Allow tracks turn into audio or MIDI, add eq graphics and compressor and a built-in preset for the Delay and Reverb in the Master/Tracks

I would prefer the tracker to allow users to change the audio or MIDI in all tracks. Options use up to 16 MIDI or audio tracks rather than the current layout. Add a compressor and built-in EQ Graphics in Instruments Parameters to individual tracks. Give people the freedom to use Reverb or Delay individually rather than the Master Track.

What is the problem?


What should this feature achieve?

Workflow and Editing Features

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?


Hey @shaquilleruss, welcome to Backstage! :partying_face: It’s good to have ya.

Woah there - slow your horses! :laughing:

That’s a lot of wishes in one go. First - please read how wishes work first and then please read how to write a good/complete feature request.

You’ll see that a wish should be a singular feature and per device ideally.

Now… regarding your wishes:

There have been multiple similar wishes (for play and tracker) for this:

They either all got declined for technical reasons or them not fitting Polyends product vision.

A current draft wish that is in review, attempts to do something similar though based on the current capabilities (without trying to extend the amount of tracks available):

Maybe you could see yourself supporting this, in the future - if it gets approved?

Things are very similar here. There’s a a couple wishes that attempted something similar:

Again, these either can’t be done because of technical limitation and or them veering off of Polyends design vision.

There’s currently no actual wish that attempts the same, but there is something adjacent in review:

If you’d still like to try, feel free do to so, but please create a separate wish for them and per device. Thank you :heart:

I will tag this topic/wish as declined for being malformed and set it to auto-close by next week for archival purposes.

In the meantime, feel free to answer or ask me any questions on how to proceed :blush:

I apologize for not following the guidelines correctly. It depends on the type of CPU they’re using in their devices. I know previous models couldn’t do them because of the processor and RAM, but the newer device should have the capabilities.

Maybe in the future, they’ll develop their software or partner with Renoise to have more capabilities similar to Ableton Push.

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