What is the problem?
Many users may find it very confusing, stressful, messy or unclean to have many tracks visible, which are not used.
What should this feature achieve?
Change the default layout or give option, to only show/visible desired tracks and then the end-user would add the tracks 1-by-1.
Most daws work the same way with only a few tracks and then you build-up the composition.
Ableton Live would allow 1024 tracks, but you would normally only initiate the tracks, which you need and not all 1024 tracks at once.
On a UAD console you would also only add the channels you need and remove the unused port options to have a cleaner view.
Said in other words:
Make the track-overview cleaner, by giving the options to make unused content not visible.
Are there any workarounds?
Cover 75 % of the screen with gaffe-tape.
Any links to related discussions?
Hey, I was just about to open a wish feature for that, but instead discovered this post.
Yes I think is a bit OCD, but Tracker is born with 8 tracks, and everything is alchemically dosed to work with that layout.
Yeah, I think the additional 4 midi tracks is great as a feature request, but I think any “advanced” or “additional” thing should be toggled in case “someone” just doesn’t use it and messes with the visual workflow of the UI.
Maybe the best way is in the config page to just hide the …
The way ARM’ing is currently implemented leads to having to UNARM more tracks than actually ARM’ing. It would be useful if the selection behaviour would be reversed.
As in: it would be easier if tracks where UNARM’ed when requesting to ARM instead of everything being ARM’ed from the get-go.
What is the problem?
For people who use ARM’ing to prevent notes from recording to adjacent tracks, the process of UNARM’ing is cumbersome, the way it is currently implemented.
What should this feature ach…
Any references to other products?
Ableton Live
UAD Console
Akai MPC
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November 5, 2024, 1:08pm
I agree with you and bump this request to the devs.
The only thing I’m in a neutral state is to choose how much tracks should be displayed in the project, I think having the OG 8 tracks everywhere is fine, but let the people decide what are their thougs.
But in honestly think these extra 4 tracks really messed up the UI, pattern and song mode, make everything a bit more confusing.
So in the end I strongly agree:
“Make the track overview cleaner by giving options to hide unused content”.
Love it! Thanks for taking the time
A bump is great! Make sure you come back and vote on the wish if it gets approved by the team
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