Different effects for different tracks

What is the problem?

Sometimes different tracks don’t need the same performance effect. Why do we have to use the same effects between percussive tracks and harmonic tracks? I feel this is a limitation in performance mode that can be broken if we can play the effects with 2 group of tracks to which you can punch their respective effects.

What should this feature achieve?

Having percussive tracks going through different play modes, and, harmonics tracks going through reverbs is a scenario that invades my mind when using the Play. I think it would open up the machine to more interesting and fluid performances.

Are there any workarounds?

To achieve this in another way you would have to program variations or patterns, which are time consuming and not really intended for inmediate performance.

###Possible functionality placement
A possible way to set a second group of performance tracks would be using SHIFT and SELECT Track. This could highlight the track in a different contrasting color. For visual control, punching the effects highlight the same color as the track group it is in.

Any links to the related discussions?

I browsed the wishlist but I haven’t seen anything related to this subject. I think it would really expand the performance mode. If you know of some posts about this I’d love to read it and update this one !

Any references to other products?

I think the Octatrack can do this… but I don’t own one. So this info might need confirmation.


I think the Play can be even more powerful having this feature with 2 groups of tracks to play different effect in performance mode. It could even save space where a single pattern can be enhanced live to create even more more varied and different moments.


Hey @synthbackrelax welcome to Backstage and thanks for taking the time to write out your wish :slight_smile:


Yes please

It’s a pleasure actually. I like my unit, and if my wish can inspire something cool and positive for a future update that would be a joy for a lot of people for shure. Thank you very much👈 for reading it!


this is pretty much the same wish, back from February 2023:

I honestly don’t understand why it has 0 votes. Maybe I’ve poorly described it, maybe no one needs it (I can’t imagine why). The way I proposed to implement it is by holding «patterns» button to activate another set of selected tracks. It doesn’t need «shift» to be hold and doesn’t imply using another color set, because when you hold it you see the second set of selected tracks and don’t see the main one.

But I don’t care about the way it will be implemented. I just thought it’s a pretty crucial feature for lives.

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Why in pattern mode? The whole point of that mode is to make patterns with different variations that you can chain under your song structure. You don’t need track selecting there. You’re supposed to already have done what you wanted for each one, in each pattern you’re chaining.

I’m pointing at something in performance mode. Where you can select the tracks and the variations. So, with my proposal, with only one pattern you could punch in different effects into different tracks. Through this two track groups you could make different moments on the fly. Having stuff happening to the drums and other for the melodic parts. With 2 hands, each one affecting respective groups of tracks. And changing the variations for each track you could even do a performance of a full song live with only one pattern.

In my mind that is awesome! Like playing a keyboard of effects instead of keys.

Thanks for taking the time to write your comment but I don’t know if I can agree on your proposal being the same exact thing. But it was interesting to see your reasoning although I feel it would be weird for me. I hope you don’t feel bad for me being honest about it.

The use case I meant there is to tweak parameters with the knobs, on the fly. While in pattern mode, user would just get fast access to the second layer or selected tracks, so all the knobs’ tweaks would apply to them using just one button; releasing the patterns button would allow user to return to any previous state in terms of the tracks’ selections. Another reason to use something that doesn’t involve shift (once again, in the use case I described) is that shift interacts with knobs functions by itself. Overall, I described everything needed in that thread, feel free to leave your reply there.

I get your point. Being able to apply different effects to different set of tracks fast would be great in any way. However, basically, the performance mode is like pad shortcuts to the knobs parameters. I don’t remember all the details, but the way the performance mode works overall conflicts with some other modes like the patterns one (something’s always overlays, ignoring other player’s actions).

and, yeah, last, but not least, I really don’t care how this feature will be implemented. maybe it just won’t. high chances. I just pointed out that we’re speaking about the same problem: we need to make group selections to switch fast between them and to apply different effects live in a sensible way. The number of votes may or may not matter here, but if (IF) they matter, maybe can just edit my wish and add your suggestions there, so it will be the one signle wish about the same thing basically.

Oh! I understand it better now that you’ve explained further.

I’m still not seing the case scenario where i would need to select tracks in pattern mode. But it is always cool and good to speak with people that think differently.

I get what you’ve said about the perfom pads being activating knobs for determined values. All that technical/ under the hood stuff is quite overwhelming. I don’t really know if having this 2 group tracks is a code issue that could affect the architecture of how the whole unit works. Maybe that is not possible. But if in performance mode you can change the reverbs and delays, which are internal features, maybe that means the system have more than one layer. And having 2 layers of track group could be possible, but yet I’m not a techie. We could try to ask someone from Polyend. Can we have hope @Mitch ?

About the post, i’m not competing for the better wish. I’m just sharing my thoughts and feelings about my units. Use whatever you need.

Not exactly select tracks in pattern mode, but briefly switch to another set of selected tracks to tweak any parameters with knobs. The simplest scenario is tweaking LPF.

I assume, making it work with the performance mode would require not only another set of pre-selected tracks, but something like a second layer of the performance mode, so the highlighted pads of the first set (with the applied effects, if there are any) could be visually separated from the second set effects. With the ability to quickly switch back and forth, of course.

I guess, it shouldn’t, because it doesn’t seem like something bigger than automated quick selection. However, the performance mode is tricky, because it cancels everything on exit.

well, hope it helped somehow, I’m out.

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Thank you very much👈
It was a fun convo!

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@synthbackrelax Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, the wish doesn’t fit our current product design direction.

Thank you very much👈 for taking the time to consider it as an option.

It’s really unfortunate because i strongly believe as it’s name is Play my suggestions would really give the unit It’s name back with bold letters! Peformance mode is key aspect of the unit. But I have to understand if the design strategy for the product goes into another direction.

Where can I see a discussion here on the platform to understand what are the possible ways the performance mode could evolve?

Again. Thank you very much👈

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