Exchangable Master Effects

What is the problem?

Limited effects.
Yes technical limitations but perhaps we can work within those limitations to provide some other option…

Reverb and Delay are both provided, and it is understandable why we have been limited to two effects. However, given that the tracker can clearly handle time-based effects, how about implementing a few others to choose from (as alternatives)?

For instance flanger, phaser, and chorus which are practically delay albeit modulated.

What should this feature achieve?

A way to Add to / Replace the time based effects, using available slots, replacing existing effects if nessesary.

This will open up further creative possibilities, especially when factoring in sampling.

Are there any workarounds?

Not really, at least not within the Tracker.
It IS possible to process samples in a DAW etc and then import, but that is not the same as being able to do it in the box.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?


Situational context :

When performing or just playing around or processing sounds

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Hey @leondawson69, welcome to Backstage! :partying_face:

And thanks for the wish! I’ve taken the liberty to rename it and change the formatting and wording a tiny bit. I hope that’s ok :blush:

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