Possibility to use all 16 tracks for samples

With the new tracks, it is now possible to use 16 tracks for MIDI and Synths. It is however not possible to use the new additional 8 tracks for samples.

What is the problem?

Only 8 tracks where samples can be used

What should this feature achieve?

Being able to have the full 16 tracks available for anything

Are there any workarounds?

No, besides rendering samples down.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

The new Digitakt II allows this


The DT II does not have internal synth engines.

The DT II might not have synth engines, but it does allow 16 tracks of universal audio/midi which the user can choose as they need.

This is a really cool wish, being able to select a track initially as a synth then resampling this to a sample which can then be used in an additional audio track, for example, resampling a 4 chord synth sound being used by 4 tracks then resampling this to a loop, swapping one of the synth tracks into an audio track to use this loop and the other synth tracks can be used for new music parts.

Hey @inpu , i’ve updated the wish to clarify/sharpen its intention.

All 16 available tracks are already useable for MIDI and the Synths.
Hence this wish is specifically about allowing the new tracks to also be used for samples.

Based on this, i’ve updated the wish to reflect that, i hope that’s ok :blush:

Thank you so very much for clearing the wish up :slight_smile: I really appreciate it and hopefully this can be implemented!

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@inpu Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, the wish doesn’t fit our current product design direction.

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