Below are the current top voted wishlist features, which of these do you think will be added next and why?
1. Sampling via USB - 108 votes
What is the problem?
Currently the Tracker Mini / Tracker+ allow outputting audio as a USB audio device and through jack but audio input/sampling only works through the built-in mic or line input.
What do you want to achieve?
It would be very convenient if we could sample audio into the Tracker mini through its USB-C port;
Ideally, the Tracker should be capable of sampling over USB both as a device and as a host.
Sampling as a USB Audio device use case :
Would make it a good pair with a USB…
2. Looping on parts of a pattern - 106 votes
Looping on a selectable set of steps in the pattern view would be awesome.
What is the problem?
The preview of selected steps only plays once while you sometimes might want to loop a section when you micro edit a pattern. For example, when finetuning the last 16th steps of 128 steps pattern, you edit some steps so you loose your selection, so you have to select again to get a single play of it.
What do you want to achieve?
Looping on a selection could be really useful when focusing on small se…
3. A:B conditions for each sequencer pass - 76 votes
A:B conditions for playing steps on the Tracker.
What is the problem?
Missing more control of chance effects.
What do you want to achieve?
We have chance fx and random fx, but it would be nice to have control over how many times a step plays after each sequencer pass or how many times an fx is triggered. For example, a snare plays 1 out of every two passes, or on the 3rd pass a roll is triggered.
Are there any workarounds?
Making multiple patterns.
Any links to related discussions?
Any ref…
4. More than 2 step fx (Tracker Mini and Plus) - 71 votes
The user wants to be able to use more than 2 step fx. This could happen by means of using the dsp power of the neighbouring track. A “through”-instrument could perhaps be an option for this by referencing to the track adjacent to it.
What is the problem?
Using more than 2 step fx is not possible.
What do you want to achieve?
To be able to use more fx per step maybe it would be possible to have a “through” instrument.
With which the referenced track to the left will be able to use 2 more fx. S…
5. Granular Length Step FX - 63 votes
The addition of a Granular Length Step FX could really expand creativity with the granular engine. Being able to adjust a length value per step would allow for some very interesting and cool sound manipulations.
What is the problem?
It is currently not possible to change the Length of the Granular Grain via Step FX or Instrument Automation.
What do you want to achieve?
Have the possibility to change the Length of the Granular Grain via a Step FX or Instrument Automation to enhance the possib…
6. Beat Slice mode allowing to play through to end of sample - 58 votes
We need a mode where slices play from their respective marker “through” to the end of the sample (or as far as it can whilst the note is on) instead of stopping when it reaches the next marker.
What is the problem?
Currently when a sample is sliced, each slice plays from that slice’s marker and stops when it hits the marker of the next slice.
What do you want to achieve?
A new Beat Slice mode where slices would play from their respective marker “through” to the end of the sample (or until an O…
7. Record perfect loops with external synth - 58 votes
Tracker already allows to record an external synth sequenced from an internal sequence. It would be very useful to have the ability to tell Tracker how many steps you want to record and when to stop to make perfect loops.
What is the problem?
With tracker you can make a sequence, play it with an external synth an record inside the tracker as a loop, but the boundaries are not perfect because it’s a manual REC/STOP.
What do you want to achieve?
Tell Tracker to start the internal sequence and …
8. Possibility to have more and more accessible color schemes - 56 votes
It would be very nice to have more and more accessible color schemes on the Tracker. Ideally users would be able to customize the UI color scheme, on top of the already available presets.
What is the problem?
Tracker offers two color schemas, and that’s it. Some users want more flexibility, either because they visually struggle or because of personal preference. There is evidence that color-blind people find the current color schemas unfriendly.
What do you want to achieve?
Allow anyone to ful…
9. Polyrhythm ( Different Track length in a pattern ) - 50 votes
What is the problem?
Currently there is no way for tracks to have independent lengths.
What do you want to achieve?
The ability for a Pattern to play Polyrhythms
Are there any workarounds?
You can create “pseudo” polyrhthms depending on the track lengths . For example if Track 1 is 16 steps and Track 2 is 12 steps, you can have a pattern with 48 or 90 steps as both tracks end their iteration on the same step.
On Track 1 you copy steps 1-16, and paste them to steps 17-32, 33-48, 49-64… all th…
10. Chromatic tuner / Spectral analysis for Sample Tuning - 46 votes
What is the problem?
Tuning samples is currently a by ear thing only and may not be as accurate as one may hope. Some users may even use external tools to tune their samples.
What do you want to achieve?
It would be useful to have some sort of visual feedback for the purpose of determining the pitch of samples. A chromatic Tuner for example. Another solution would be some sort of spectrum analysis tool, this could allow functionality far beyond simple tuning,
Are there any workarounds?
Tune by…
October 26, 2024, 1:58pm
Today i need only 3 and 9 Don’t have any idea how to add more then 2 FX, its not in hardware logic now, need to rebuild hardware interface and change buttons logic.
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I want #5 to happen, but #4 would open up even more interesting ways to experiment. #1 should be a feature already
My top feature that I want reopened for Mini and Plus is Multitimbrality, as in be able to assign a certain number of voices to a certain number of synth + sampler instruments split between MIDI in channels, up to a full 16 monophonic (ala Elektron boxes). I really want this to prepare/compose tracks in Ableton, then carefully convert (I have a MIDI → Tracker converter I haven’t released publicly as it’s not ready for prime time) the track to tracker for hardware live performance. Having multitimbral control would make this process of composition then conversion much easier.
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No. 6! Been waiting since 2020
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Here I spend my 10 votes, hopefully some will sooner be adapted, as 10 is the limit on this platform
I’d would be just mega happy with a track velocity lane… just by shrinking a bit the interface spaces and fonts…
#2 & #6 sounds good to me.
And I know its not part of this top 10, and I’m biased because I’ve created a wishlist already but can we please please be able to delete recordings from the Tracker itself?! I’ve never known another hardware sampler that cannot delete samples.
November 30, 2024, 11:37am
I have no idea why no.6 is a wish, it wouldn’t be beat slice mode then. The whole point is it’s the chop shop. If you want the next part to play just program it, or slice it that way.
This whole wish thing is as much a curse as a blessing.
I think SP404 and MPC Live per default also only play to next slice point.
I agree, many of the basic wishes should just be added instead going through a vote system, which dosent seem to have any affect on the current Development anyway.
Try out Ableton or a modern MPC in slice through mode, if you’re jamming it gives you completely different patterns you wouldn’t otherwise come up with - super useful for breakbeat programming in jungle or sampling in hip-hop.
That’s fine if you don’t need it, don’t vote on it, but 60+ others see the rationale and have voted it up so no need to be negative on other people’s wishes, plenty here I would never use but I don’t comment on them. The voting exists to see what most people want. It’s a democratic way of developing the product.
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