Polyend Tracker – Top 10 Feature wishlist chart [October/November 2024]

Below are the current top voted wishlist features, which of these do you think will be added next and why? :wink:

1. Sampling via USB - 108 votes

2. Looping on parts of a pattern - 106 votes

3. A:B conditions for each sequencer pass - 76 votes

4. More than 2 step fx (Tracker Mini and Plus) - 71 votes

5. Granular Length Step FX - 63 votes

6. Beat Slice mode allowing to play through to end of sample - 58 votes

7. Record perfect loops with external synth - 58 votes

8. Possibility to have more and more accessible color schemes - 56 votes

9. Polyrhythm ( Different Track length in a pattern ) - 50 votes

10. Chromatic tuner / Spectral analysis for Sample Tuning - 46 votes


Today i need only 3 and 9 :+1: Don’t have any idea how to add more then 2 FX, its not in hardware logic now, need to rebuild hardware interface and change buttons logic.

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I want #5 to happen, but #4 would open up even more interesting ways to experiment. #1 should be a feature already :kissing_heart:

All in on the 2!

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My top feature that I want reopened for Mini and Plus is Multitimbrality, as in be able to assign a certain number of voices to a certain number of synth + sampler instruments split between MIDI in channels, up to a full 16 monophonic (ala Elektron boxes). I really want this to prepare/compose tracks in Ableton, then carefully convert (I have a MIDI → Tracker converter I haven’t released publicly as it’s not ready for prime time) the track to tracker for hardware live performance. Having multitimbral control would make this process of composition then conversion much easier.

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No. 6! Been waiting since 2020 :pray:

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Here I spend my 10 votes, hopefully some will sooner be adapted, as 10 is the limit on this platform :slight_smile:

I’d would be just mega happy with a track velocity lane… just by shrinking a bit the interface spaces and fonts…

#2 & #6 sounds good to me.

And I know its not part of this top 10, and I’m biased because I’ve created a wishlist already but can we please please be able to delete recordings from the Tracker itself?! I’ve never known another hardware sampler that cannot delete samples.

I have no idea why no.6 is a wish, it wouldn’t be beat slice mode then. The whole point is it’s the chop shop. If you want the next part to play just program it, or slice it that way.
This whole wish thing is as much a curse as a blessing.

I think SP404 and MPC Live per default also only play to next slice point.

I agree, many of the basic wishes should just be added instead going through a vote system, which dosent seem to have any affect on the current Development anyway.

Try out Ableton or a modern MPC in slice through mode, if you’re jamming it gives you completely different patterns you wouldn’t otherwise come up with - super useful for breakbeat programming in jungle or sampling in hip-hop.

That’s fine if you don’t need it, don’t vote on it, but 60+ others see the rationale and have voted it up so no need to be negative on other people’s wishes, plenty here I would never use but I don’t comment on them. The voting exists to see what most people want. It’s a democratic way of developing the product.

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