Hello, I own M8 and Tracker Mini, both are different devices even if they are trackers… but, I see myself using the “Tables” function a lot in the Dirtywave, there is something similar to use in my Polyend Mini? Any advice or tip?
we absolutely need something like this, or anything to make it such that you can have some more controlled randomness and also the possibility to run longer patterns alongside a main loop.
tables (also have a m8), trig conditions like in elektron boxes, different speeds per track…running multiple patterns at once like a DAW, anything! this device is so close to perfect, and this feels so artificial.
1843, musicians want Polyend to create M8, in color.
While i agree that tables are pretty nifty.
With all due respect… the tracker does not need it.
A combination of automation and step effects can get you a long way (if you put some arm grease into creating/copying/editing patterns). All it needs is more flexibility in the automation and chance section and there is plenty of wishes for it:
- A:B conditions for each sequencer pass
- Secondary / Enhanced Chance Step FX
- Change Envelope Automation Values via StepFX
- Expand Instrument Automations and Step FX
- Step FX for: Automation LFO Amount
- User-Assignable Instrument Automation Destinations
Go vote on any of them.
If you feel tables would be better, feel free to create a Draft wishes entry
Tables are SUPER useful for make easy and cool things (for example a random octave up, I use this feature a lot in my Polyend Play +), without consuming effects or resources.
Thank you!!!