Mini MIDI Keyboard

Please take my money


Do you still need help with software?

Yes. We should be able to open up the GitHub very soon (just need to tidy it up).
The v1.0 firmware is working well, but the hardware is designed to be reconfigurable.
There is a hardware interrupt touch switch and BLE for wireless connectivity. Basically all the keys and levers can be mapped any way we want.
Once we get these into peoples hands, I’m sure there will be a lot of great ideas on how to improve the UX.
Attached is a very basic idea for an app interface.


Does that mean this will allow us to use an external Bluetooth MIDI keyboard with the Mini?

Yes, I think it might be possible to “pass through” the midi signal to the Tracker Mini, as long as the external midi keyboard communicates over BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy). The ESP32S3 supports BLE5.0 as well as wifi.


This looks great already!

Is it possible to stack notes within Scale on “white keys”?

I’m not sure what you’re asking, but the keys can be mapped to send anything as long as it’s a midi signal. If you’re referring to the screenshot, then I would think the c minor pentatonic scale would be mapped to start at c1 and then the next 5 keys, then repeat. Other scales would do the same - start at the first root and repeat. Black keys could be set to do something else while in scales mode - maybe chords?
I can see setting up some kind of arp mode as well.

It will all come down to skills and imagination of the those who enjoy tight constraints and want to contribute to the code.


will have to keep an ear to the ground when you launch.


This is amazing ! I’m looking forward to your progress !

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This project just keeps getting more cool … definitely going to be an essential addition for the mini when firmware 2.0 is released. :slight_smile:

The repository also looks super insightful. Many thanks for making this open source!


Is there a projected date for availability of kits or assembled units?


Not yet.
I doubt anyone is as excited to get this released as myself :smile:

As I mentioned earlier, there are 2 of us working in our off hours to build this thing.
We’re in the beta phase and currently testing a few different techniques to get the 3d printed Keys to work smoothly with the 3d printed outer shell.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that without the modern tools, maker community and supply chain available to individuals like myself, this wouldn’t even be possible. Just a few years ago a project like this would have been way too costly and involved a large team of people.


Yeah for sure, prototyping a simple case could run into the thousands a few years ago!
Hope you get it ready soon. You should sell a good few of these rapidly when done.

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I’ve read all the infos on the repository , i can’t wait for the release ! :star_struck:

Hi SeanMichaelJohnston ,
I hope this amazing project is going well and that your baby is going to be born soon !

Now that the Mini is fully featured with the killer 2.0 update , i am eagerly waiting for the KB1 and i’m not alone !


Thanks for the support!
It’s always the last 10 percent of the project that takes the most time.
We’re there now and pushing to get to 100%


I would like to direct your attention to a couple of wish requests that are directly related to this mini keyboard.

  1. Additional MIDI CC In Controls / External controller as a full-featured control surface
    previously MIDI input in Live Recording mode: Additional Options (if you were one the 6 who voted, please re-vote for the newer wish above)
    This will allow the 2 levers to be used for FX inputs in real time, and with the new Synth engines, possibly some control over the macros.

  2. Option to change Beat Slice Root Note
    This will help to map any beat slices to the right keys (MIDI 59(B3) thru MIDI 77(F5)) without having to change octaves.

I realize it might not make much sense right now without one of these in your hand, but If these wishes get approved, it’ll make this little hardware attachment even more satisfying.


I cant wait great job :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Thanks a lot for the great news !!
Voted for the wishes :crossed_fingers:

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