Additional MIDI CC In Controls / External controller as a full-featured control surface

While the Tracker Mini form factor is perfect for portabilty, it lacks immediate controls for efficient workflow.
Same applies to Tracker+ in terms of controls.

What is the problem?

Tracker Mini/Tracker+ can receive MIDI CC messages but ONLY for Performance Effects, Track Mixer, and Global Mixer.

What should this feature achieve?

Ability to have full control over the Tracker Mini/Tracker+ via an external controller by expanding the MIDI CC Implementation or maybe implementing the Mackie MCU Protocol.

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?


Feel free to edit/suggest an edit!
If anything is unclear just let me know.


Hmm… i’ve got some questions :blush:

  • do you mean to have full control via external controller (as in every single screen) ?
  • Or is this purely about having control over instrument parameters etc?

I agree. Full control over all, or even just more parameters than the current CC input options from external controller CCs would be fantastic. Not only on the Tm but on all Tracker models.

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Could you please explain what you mean by every single screen?

Of course. :blush:
To me full control means that i can actually use an external controller as a full featured input device so i can edit/control every single feature of a device. That means being able to switch between screens etc.

For example:

  • Edit steps on the pattern screen
  • Switch to the Song view and edit my song there
  • Switch to the Sample Editor and do all operations there

And everything through an external input device.

Hence why i’m asking what exactly do you define as a full midi cc implementation. And if it’s about individual parameters, maybe a comprehensive list would be helpful :heart:


Yes, I meant to use an external controller as a full-featured input device.

But if it is not feasible, it would still be better to have more MIDI CCs in general

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Feasibility is not for me to decide :blush: . I’m just making sure the wish has all the information required so Polyend has an easier time to review it :blush:

I’ve changed the title and the description to reflect the intention. As this goes far beyond just implementing MIDI CC for parameters access.

I’ve also added the Mackie MCU Protocol as this is a very common protocol for control interfaces.

Hope that is ok.


By all means!!
Thank you

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I only need a control assignment for selection to have an encoder alternative to the + and - buttons.

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You will be able to do that if this Wish comes true.

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I back this wish, but i think it might be better to specify the Midi CC’s we want added rather than saying all - e.g. in global mixer / performance mode we can not currently use Mute / Solo / Rec buttons on a controller, this would be a really cool feature to add.
I also believe that Macro control on the T+ is limited to the active instrument selected, would be cool to find a way to control parameters on all three synths.
There are a lot of ways to cut this so might be better to be specific rather than if the wish gets shut down as ‘full control’ is unlikelty to be possible - Mackie MCU protocol would be awesome though, and would include the mute/solo/rec functions i assume.

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:

Should rename thread if possible. Not clear with the current subject. Something simple like “Additional MIDI CC In Controls”. I would drop mention of the MCU. Focus on just the MIDI CCs. Make this for Tracker + also.

Here is the list of parameters I would like to see MIDI CC In Control available for. Some controls apply only to Tm2.0 & T+.

Sample Track Mixer - Track 1 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 2 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 3 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 4 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 5 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 6 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 7 Mute
Sample Track Mixer - Track 8 Mute

Global Mixer - Delay Mute
Global Mixer - Reverb Mute
Global Mixer - Dry Mute
Global Mixer - Line Input Mute

Global Mixer - Synth 1 Level
Global Mixer - Synth 1 Mute
Global Mixer - Synth 2 Level
Global Mixer - Synth 2 Mute
Global Mixer - Synth 3 Level
Global Mixer - Synth 3 Mute

Synth Paramters - Synth 1 Poly
Synth Paramters - Synth 1 Gain
Synth Paramters - Synth 1 Panning
Synth Paramters - Synth 1 Reverb Send
Synth Paramters - Synth 1 Delay Send

Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 1
Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 2
Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 3
Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 4
Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 5
Synth Macros - Synth 1 Macro 6

Synth Macros - Synth 2 Poly
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Gain
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Panning
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Reverb Send
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Delay Send
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 1
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 1
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 3
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 4
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 5
Synth Macros - Synth 2 Macro 6

Synth Macros - Synth 3 Poly
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Gain
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Panning
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Reverb Send
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Delay Send
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 1
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 2
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 3
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 4
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 5
Synth Macros - Synth 3 Macro 6

Master - Volume
Master - Saturation
Master - Bass Boost
Master - Space

Master Reverb - Size
Master Reverb - Damping
Master Reverb - Predelay
Master Reverb - Diffusion
Master Reverb - Line In

Master Delay - PingPong
Master Delay - Sync
Master Delay - Rate
Master Delay - Time
Master Delay - Feedback
Master Delay - Filter
Master Delay - Line In

Master Limiter - LimiterAtt
Master Limiter - LimiterRls
Master Limiter - LimiterThrs
Master Limiter - Gain Reduce
Master Limiter - Sidechain

Master EQ - 115hz
Master EQ - 330 hz
Master EQ - 990 hz
Master EQ - 3000 hz
Master EQ - 9900 hz

If this get’s implemented I will update and expand on my M4L & TouchOsc control devices.


Thank you, inz1!

As you advised, I included Tracker+ in the wish. Since both Mini and + might get the same updates in the future.

The title was suggested by Sandroid, who is a moderator, and I trusted his judgement :joy:

As for CCs, I think the preferences would be individual.
Personally, I would prefer control of Synth/Sample parameters along with FX selection and its parameters in the first place.

The idea is to get Polyend Team started on adding MIDI IN CCs and later expand on it

If you check the manual, they focus more on MIDI OUT CCs, which makes less sense to me.

I concur. We are on the same page. I just feel that idea is not communicated clearly in the title. Which will result in it being overlooked by potential voters.

Like you I simply want to see this short list grow.

I started a wish that is nearly identical to this here:
MIDI input in Live Recording mode: Additional Options

spacekid.90, I think yours has a better title description.

Sandroid, I wonder if there’s a way to combine wishes after they’ve already been opened for voting.

Hm… while merging would technically be possible… i think the votes would get lost either way.
Should we announce that we plan on closing your wish in favor of this one and people should move their votes?

I think that sounds good. This wish has the most votes.

Feel free to update this wish, if you feel like you want to add something from your wish that is not properly represented here. :blush: