Mini MIDI Keyboard

I would like to direct your attention to a couple of wish requests that are directly related to this mini keyboard.

  1. Additional MIDI CC In Controls / External controller as a full-featured control surface
    previously MIDI input in Live Recording mode: Additional Options (if you were one the 6 who voted, please re-vote for the newer wish above)
    This will allow the 2 levers to be used for FX inputs in real time, and with the new Synth engines, possibly some control over the macros.

  2. Option to change Beat Slice Root Note
    This will help to map any beat slices to the right keys (MIDI 59(B3) thru MIDI 77(F5)) without having to change octaves.

I realize it might not make much sense right now without one of these in your hand, but If these wishes get approved, it’ll make this little hardware attachment even more satisfying.