Custom user scales, that can be microtonal

Allow users to add custom tonal or microtonal scales i.e. the Colundi scale. Given that the Play already supports microtune, this wish seems technically possible, and it would make Polyend Play one of a kind go-to device for artists who wish to go beyond conventional tones.

What is the problem?

At the moment we can only use preprogrammed scales in the device.
There’s a good list of scales, we can use them or not, but there is no way to add custom scales.

What do you want to achieve?

Ability to make own custom scales, especially microtonal. It could be text scale files, like .scl or something like that, that we could make on a computer, copy to MicroSD card and have in a device’s scale list.

Are there any workarounds?

Prepare samples with preprogrammed tone height. To change notes in the device to some specific Hz, one would have to use external tuner.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?µtune/


@omi.makarenko, the wish about the possibility to create user scales is clear. However, there is a second wish here too:

Following the guideline at Writing a good feature request, it is better to focus on one wish in one topic. You can create another topic for this other wish, which isn’t limited to custom scales (I guess this feature would be useful for any scale).

Color coding is needed for microtonal scales. Otherwise how to navigate the keys?
That’s why this has to be considered as part of the feature, not separately.

Please have a bit of patience with me. :slight_smile: I’m still not understanding how you envision your wish. I’m trying to help you to ensure that the Polyend team and other Play users understand your wish when assessing it.

One part of this wish is the possibility to create user scales. Ok, there would be a mechanism where the user creates a new scale and sets the Mhz for each of the notes in that scale. Then the new scales could be saved and be accessed just like the 39 Scales in the Menu that come out of the box. When the user creates a new project, they could select one of these scales. Correct?

(Note that there is a related wish to have more than one scale on the same project, see Scale per track on Play)

Now, the color coding. Can you explain how would it look like? And why microtonal scales need this color coding more than the scales the Play has already now?

Thanks for reply!

“One part of this wish is the possibility to create user scales. Ok, there would be a mechanism where the user creates a new scale and sets the Mhz for each of the notes in that scale. Then the new scales could be saved and be accessed just like the 39 Scales in the Menu that come out of the box. When the user creates a new project, they could select one of these scales. Correct?”


“Now, the color coding. Can you explain how would it look like? And why microtonal scales need this color coding more than the scales the Play has already now?”

It could be a file just like .scl, with added column for rgb color information.

For microtonal black and white keys don’t work, and possibility to color keys is the answer. Aleksi Perälä and Grant Wilson-Claridge have a custom colored keyboard with colors in the studio.
check this: Listen: Colundi Sequence tracks - The Wire

It doesn’t have to be a feature for just for microtonal.
It could be useful for any scales. With Polyend Play we don’t have black and white keys, but instead we have pads with rgb lights, and that opens great possibilities. We could mark sounds or intervals to know what we about hit, before hitting. In live situation this could be a lifesaver for some.
Anybody could make comfortable key sets for themselves with any tones.

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Great, then can you edit the description to focus this wish on the custom user scales only, please?

In terms of software development, this is a different feature, even if it’s connected. A separate wish for it is welcome.

There are two feature requests that come to mind as (slightly) related: Make the 16x8 grid a full keyboard layout to input notes and Possibility to choose different colors for patterns.

@omi.makarenko has created Pads colored according to their notes in relation to the scale, so we can polish this wish now focusing on the custom scales.


Thank you! Your wish is very clear now.

@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: