Hi, the feature is nice but the note wrapping is totally wrong. Select chromatic in the main menu, enter note mode with Shift+Note, then hold Note to enter the note select screen. Shift the red bar all the way down - note that the lowest note is not in the selection. Shift up and note the gap in octave.
Also it would be much better if the scale selection did not remove selectable notes, rather that it determine offsets to sequential notes. By this I mean that if you switch from chromatic to major you can no longer find any sharps in the note selection screen. This is fine if you only want to input C Major notes but what if you want to enter a section in D Major? Shifting the red selection up and down should select root note of a major scale (meaning that those red boxes should be spaced at intervals whole, whole, half, etc).
I’m loving it. As someone that digs a lot of modular sounds (but doesn’t want to go down the modular route), I’m often trying to make my devices do things a bit more probabilistically.
On the Mini now it’s great to be able to do something like this:
choose something like the ‘Yo’ scale in the config,
load up a couple of ambientish synth voices,
in the sequencer put a C4 on each step,
random note set to 10ish
chance set to 25ish.
I was unable to get to sleep last night thinking about how I can send this as MIDI to other devices… Sad I know.
I doubt the scales will get much use though, as I have next to no idea what most of them are
It would be super useful if you can select the notes you want to use on the fly, per instrument.
Would it be an idea to have the notes on the top row be modifiable by pressing up/down while having one of them pressed? It would also be great for selecting specific slices.
Note Entry is great. thanks for adding! please consider allowing additional notes to be available for entry while holding SHIFT. this could either be another octave, another eight notes selected by the user or maybe even another scale entirely.
I like foresense’s idea above as well! I don’t know if implementing both would be too complicated of a user interface, but I could see them working well together.
overall the feature already greatly enhances the usability, but more flexibility would go a long way. thanks for considering!
Thank you 3xm! I have started writing a wish, but when I started looking back at the original Alternate Note Entry wish for reference, I realized that they had ideas in that wish that already addressed what foresense and I were looking for.
I see @Pizza2047 upthread, so I’ll ask you since you wrote that wish. Do you have any insight about whether they’re still working on features in note entry, such as the SHIFT modifier and +/- usage you described in the original wish? If they’re already planning to implement that, I don’t want to duplicate the question. Thanks!
I’m assuming that they’re busy focusing on squashing the initial bugs found with this first iteration (like it not working properly with beat slice mode etc). I have no idea if or how much it’s going to change from there on out…
Hm, so I assume you just highlight the column after and shift the notes to the correct octave? Been wanting to try this if that works that would be fantastic.
I have been using Note Entry a lot and am enjoying it! Only issue I found has already been reported in the comments, +1 from me: When shifting the notes to be displayed on the keys, the assignment wraps in the wrong way.
Yes I agree, hopefully this will get ironed out at some point soon!
Also, during live recording,the first note never sounds,though it does record it?? And if I do a second take,it will jump to a random midi channel. I do sometimes think, however,thatmy Mini is slightly possessed,and it’s just messing with me.
Loving it though,it’s got me on a good creative roll lately.