Steps live record on Mini

Hi there,
this si my first post in this forum, sorry for overlap :wink:

I love my Tracker OG but I’m interested to buy a Mini too.
My workflow needs live recording steps, with microtiming. There is this feature on Mini? Can I record steps live without an external controller?
Why it’s not possible to record live steps with + and - button?

I voted on wishlist thread yet :wink:


Hi and welcome to the forum! :partying_face:

Currently it is not possible to do that on the Mini without an external controller.
Which is why the community has come up with two wishes for this:

Someone is also currently developing an add-on, that will attach to the bottom of the Mini.

Good question, i guess the main reason would be that it would not be possible to traverse a music scale quickly enough, so that using +/- would make sense. The composition process on the Mini requires definitely a lot more planning if you don’t have a external controller.

The other guess is that the controls are probably heavily inspired by the Gameboy/LSDJ, which also doesn’t offer live recording directly on the device.

I think the wishes that have been created by the community are a very good balance, that could bring that functionality to the Mini at some point (hopefully). :blush:

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