Route MIDI note input to each track, on an assignable MIDI channel, for triggering instruments and recording

Route MIDI note input to each track, on an assignable MIDI channel, for triggering instruments and recording.

What is the problem?

In Pattern mode, the Tracker only receives MIDI notes on a single channel. This prevents using Tracker for multi-track MIDI recording and as a multi-timbral instrument.

What do you want to achieve?

In Pattern mode, Tracker routes MIDI notes (and other channel data) received on different channels to different tracks. Ideally, multiple tracks can also be recorded simultaneously. When not playing or recording, MIDI notes, received on the Track’s channel, play the instrument assigned to the current, or most recently played cell.

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

A large number of classic ROMplmers including the EMU Command Station.


An interesting wish, thank you for submitting it. Slightly related, as in another case where Tracker could be more powerful by handling multiple MIDI channels:

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@here thanks for the wish! It’s open for voting :slight_smile:


New to Mini here :wave:

Has this been implemented?


Hi is this wish being considered?

Hi sosico, and welcome to Backstage!

As such, I believe all wishes are being considered. But several factors probably are in play here: The amount of votes, the complexity of implementing the wish, how well it aligns with the vision for the products, etc.

The Polyend team does not usually indicate if wishes have been selected for development until it’s ready for release in a new firmware.

So… it’s hard to tell whether this specific wish is being considered beyond acknowledgement of its existence. I think the best we can do is vote for the wishes we think are most important.