Live recording - Ability to disable OFF commands

Another trick which can be used here to avoid that notes are push among more tracks is to “solo arm” the desired track.

This wish support the idea, if you dont want to manually unarm the other Tracks.

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Agreed. The track that should be armed is the track the cursor currently highlights, instead of having to waste time unarming 15 tracks. Its bizarre when you see sample notes that should reside in tracks 1 - 8 end up in midi tracks 9 - 16 where they are not meant to be and obviously dont play. Its worries me that the development team look at this as normal functioning of the device and stated they don’t want to complicate things or change the recording process, this is way more complicating than providing the option to toggle note off and looking at this post its almost a year old and the issue is not resolved, when this is a major function of the playability of the device.

If you bought a korg keyboard synth and the keybed didnt trigger your sounds and then Korg said the work around is to plug a midi controller keyboard into it to play notes, would not be an acceptable solution.

Dont get me wrong I was so happy to see the day of having a tracker in a box and really like what the tracker plus has to offer, it is just disappointing live recording is kinda broken.

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I’ve taken the liberty to update the wording of this wish a little, based on the new discussion that has happened here:

Hope that’s ok. :blush:

edit2: I just saw that this has already been suggested (I think), but I’m leaving this here for the record anyway…

I want to add a small, but in my opinion important aspect to this discussion:
Live recording 16ths should indeed be made possible on the tracker, and I see that in this specific situation, note Off commands are in the way. But otherwise they are pretty handy when live recording melodies when there are more steps between the notes.

:arrow_right: So, rather than completely disabling all note Off commands, shouldn’t there be more of a “smart auto” functionality? Meaning that by default, note Offs are still included when recording, but only if there aren’t any other notes played directly on the next step? That way, recording in 16th is still possible without having to completely do without note Offs.

This suggestion would eliminate the need for another setting in the config menu, while still fulfilling the wish of @pitmast and @housefreak303. What do you think?

edit: formatting

OFFs ocupied track’s steps but it’s not the only issue it makes.
Another is it’s not possible to live record between note and its OFF.

What about overwrite absolutely everything during live record?
And than new note would have a higher priority over new OFF.

You mean like overdubbing?

I think it is very unlikely we are ever going to have this option. Considering the OG is 4 years old and it has never been implemented in that device the likely hood of it being implemented in the Tracker Plus is remote.

I did receive a private message from the Polyend team, but they stated that changing the midi implementation may have unintended consequences, which I can understand as there are so many other problems that need to be fixed first, however they said they will pass it on to the development team.

I am a bit sad as I really wanted to get excited about this tracker but it is being collected on Monday to be returned to the store. I will keep an eye on the progress of the Polyend series of devices, maybe in the next revision, maybe the Polyend tracker mk3 will finally be a more polished and developed product, but right now it is too much of a work in progress for me as I want a device that works properly now not later.

However one of the things that I have appreciated is the fantastic community in this forum. :heart:

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I hope you have to wait years for that Tracker mk3, because i dont have budget for a premium device more currently :slight_smile:

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