Config option to disable Note Off

What is the problem?

When live recording into a single track, Off commands behave as if you are playing chords which cause notes to be scattered into different tracks making the recording process a lengthy challenge.

Sample notes are scattered into tracks 9 -16 where they would not play anyway so it is counter productive. Note off practically makes it impossible to live record anything in 16ths or arpeggios, as it prevents the next note being recorded immediately after the previous.

What should this feature achieve?

An option in the Midi Menu to ignore note off messages for live recording faster notes.

Are there any workarounds?

Only step editing directly, but none for live recording.

Any links to related discussions?

There are a few posts about this issue in the forums.

Any references to other products?

Virtually every tracker has this option Renoise etc.


Thanks! If you got the links to the numerous posts, that be super helpful! :blush:

I’ll add some that i know off as well.

Hey @pitmast , this is very closely related to your wish.

I was wondering if you guys would be interested in combining efforts?
What do you think of @housefreak303’s proposition of an option in the config to disable Note OFF’s ?

I know you also brought that up as a possible solution and i think that would probably be also the fastest way to an implementation.


I think it will solve a lot of the issues with this command and also no-one loses out as having a user toggle caters for people who prefer step based or live recording.

I really love the concept of this hardware tracker but the current editing process is really time consuming and challenging as I am having to spend so much time copying and pasting stray notes from other tracks into a single track. I am in my return period of the device and I really dont want to send it back but it is difficult working like this.

The beauty of the tracker concept is speed. Getting your idea from your head to your speakers, but with the way it functions with the off commands is making it painfully slow.

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No OFFs recorded live to tracks option? I would willingly try the result.

But let’s it be well understood,

  • MIDI note-off will be still present before every note-on at the same time, without OFFs in tracks
  • it will be still possible to add OFFs manually in tracks, in step edit mode

I think it’s good direction to improve Tracker :slight_smile:

Yes so if you toggle live recording note off to off yuu can still enter off commands in step mode.

Hopefully this will stop notes straying into other tracks and stay within the track you record to.

Said in other words, you want hanging or “drone” notes?

Example an option here to disable the “note off” command here:

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Yes exactly :+1:

So we could have an option “Only Notes with Note off” and an option for “Only Notes”

I do not think so.
From my side it should be separate option.
I can image need to record with microtiming or with velocity, or with both microtiming and velocity AND with/without OFFs.

I wouldn’t add new option to “Recording Options” combo

You are proably right and it could become a mess, when there are too many variations.

Maybe a option under the midi menu to filter or ignore incoming “note off” with an enable/disable option?

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Yes that would work

Glad to see you are all getting to a consesus! :heart:

Please do me a favor and update the wish to reflect the current desired idea.
Once that is done, i’ll control it once more and will move it on for review. :blush:

Also there is still the open question whether we want to send this one in for review or update the existing wish (which already has votes). What do you guys think?

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I will be happy if there is an option to ignore the note off messages as this will at least for now, fix a lot of issues with live recording especially notes recording into other tracks.

Like what Gavedraq said, even an option in midi to ignore off messages.

Wish updated

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Thank you. :heart:

Then the only question i have for all of you and especially @pitmast, is if we want to combine these two wishes. Seeing that essentially you both want the same thing.

Instead of generating a competing wish i would propose that we take the learnings and desired approach of this one and add it to the existing wish that has 15 votes already?

Any objections?

I’m happy to go ahead :slight_smile:

It’s ok for me :slight_smile:

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Closing this wish as discussed in favor of the existing wish (which has votes) here:

I’ve updated the above wish to reflect the learnings from this discussion here and have linked to here as well. If i missed anything, please feel free to add it to the wish above. :blush:

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