Note off behave like chords

Bug Description

Note off behaves as if playing chords causing notes to spread over multiple tracks. Sample tracks spread into midi tracks 9 - 16 which is counter-productive as they dont trigger in this area.

Reproduction Steps

Live recording.


When live recording a melody in a single track.

Found in

All versions 1.0.0 - 1.0.2


Provide an option in config to disable note off as a preference.

Same as this one?

Similar however an option for the user to disable note off should be added which I think would solve a massive amount of issues regarding live recording. At least that would be a useable workaround for now until the other issues are fixed. It just looks like this issue keeps going around in circles and there is never a resolution, but keeps pointing back to note off. Have the option to disable it, it is a function in the history of all trackers. It causes so many issues as well as you can’t even play your melody properly because the off command cuts off following notes. It is virtually impossible to play any notes or arpeggio’s live in 16th’s as the off command comes directly after.

Just to clarify this is not related to this wish?

Hi Sandroid, partially it is. The note off command is affecting a number of functions whether it is manual recording 16ths or using an appeggio to just recording a simple monophonic melody as the off commands are forcing notes to be scattered all over the place. The main wish is an option in config to disable note off which will solve so many pronlems with this command. As a music maker who has had 30 + years of experience with trackers i have never experienced this behaviour before, it is clearly broken and making the music process challenging unless you are step recording, but for live recording it is a nightmare.

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Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. :muscle:
By the way… is there a wish (or did you create one) for a config option to disable note off ?

I didn’t find anything.

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I have mentioned it in a few posts but I was not aware you can create a wish for it.

Absolutely! Go ahead and create one in Draft wishes :hugs:

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Thanks I will do

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Ok, if it’s alright with you we’re going to close this Bug Report.

As the behaviour you are describing has been with the Trackers since the beginning, so from this point of view, it is currently “by design”.

Looking forward to your wish, so that we hopefully can get this sorted down the road. :heart:

Hope that’s ok with you :hugs:

Hi Sandroid yes you can close it, created wish now. Thanks. :+1:

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Thank you! I’ll have a look at your wish in a moment. :heart:

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Closing this report as the behaviour is as “by design” at the moment.

This is closed in favor of the following wish:

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