Change Instrument via MIDI in Synth Mode

Allow changing of instruments in MIDI Synth Mode.

What is the problem?

The Polyend Tracker can only use a single instrument at a time when in Synth-Mode. Instruments have to be changed by Hand on the Tracker.

What do you want to achieve?

Send a midi message (probably Program Change), to switch Instrument via MIDI.

Are there any workarounds?

Switching instruments by hand.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Akai S1000 maybe? In fact any hardware sampler.


Hey @callistixrs , thanks for the wish. I’ve taken the liberty and changed the wording AND (most importantly) made sure it is only one wish.

Switching Instruments and multi-timbrality are two entirely different beasts to implement.
So to keep the wishes focused and concise, it’s best to not put multiple features into one wish.

If you are so kind and if you would like to see multi-timbrality as a feature, could you open a second wish? :heart:

Added it here: Support for multitimbrality

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Hi @callistixrs , thanks for your wish. It’s accepted and ready for voting! :slight_smile:

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An easy solution for Polyend to implement in firmware would be this:

If the NOTE column is selected, the external MIDI device will change note values, as it does currently.

If INSTR column is selected, the instrument number would change according to MIDI note entered. That way, if you have a drum kit loaded over a span of many instruments, a MIDI device could trigger them to record beats live or by step.

What do you think? :thinking:


It’s still unclear to me what is this wish about exactly (I have voted for it though as it looks useful any way).
For now, only one instrument can be used in the MIDI synth mode.
Is this about just switching that single instrument via MIDI IN or does this also cover the multiple instruments case? For example, when the tracker receives Program Change 1 on Channel 1 and Program Change 2 on Channel 2 simultaneously will there be two different instruments playing notes coming from corresponding channels?

This is about changing the single instrument via MIDI.

Multi-timbrality (multiple instruments) has been suggested at the same time, but has been declined as of now:

Thanks for pointing this out though, i just noticed the title was slightly wrong :laughing:

Oops. I thought that wish was solely about splitting instruments by note ranges (not by MIDI PC/Channel).

Well yes, but i guess it’s a little bit more nuanced.
Multi-Timbrality requires playback of multiple different voices/instruments, in order to split it across a range.

Bringing multi-timbrality up again. Given the Tracker+, does the Polyend team believe it’s now feasible? If so, if it helps push internally the prioritization, this particular Tracker owner will ONLY purchase the + if it has multi-timbral Synth mode. I will purchase it nearly immediately brand new upon firmware update to support it.

I encountered this issue when I connected my Polyend Play to the Tracker. I wanted to create patterns in Polyend because it is much simpler and faster. However, I ran into the problem that I can’t play different instruments on the Tracker using different MIDI channels.

Each channel coming from Polyend Play should be able to be assigned to a specific instrument on the Tracker. Also, the Track should have properties for which MIDI channel I am recording in.

It’s supposed to be a workstation, right?

As of now, I am inclined to believe that Polyend Play is the best tool ever made for creating music. The only thing it lacks is a large screen where you can see all the information about the parameters of the pads.


I believe what you are asking is what is called “multitimbrality”. Which as metioned above is not going to happen. I can understand that as a groovebox can’t do everything :smiley:

What this is suggesting is when you go in “synthesizer mode” which is instrument → more → Instrument Synthesizer… that you can switch the instrument by midi. Currently you have to hit a pad to do it.

Personally I rather a pad per instrument so then you can use it as a drum machine. Like when you hit “instrument” you can play one note of all the instruments. Then midi notes would play those pads.

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