This wish requests automated wavetable creation from a synth preset. Credit to @Sandroid for suggesting this in the comments of one of my previous wishes.
What is the problem?
Recording a wavetable from a synth preset is currently quite tedious or requires skills while it could be fully automated. This wish suggests an on-device method of generating wavetables from external hardware/software through MIDI and Audio I/Os, in an automated way.
- The idea here would be to be able to create wavetable libraries of external synths be able to share them with the community.
- Also, it is in the spirit of the “let me grab a sound and make something of it”, especially now with the portability of the Mini.
What do you want to achieve?
Add a Wavetable Generator tool which would send the appropriate MIDI messages to grab the sound and automatically detect and trim the recorded sound to a single-cycle waveform that will generate a wavetable instrument
Wavetable instrument already exists so there is no need to create a new one. The automation will generate a .pti wavetable instrument and allow saving it in our library.
Are there any workarounds?
Manually record and trim a wavetable and set it as a wavetable type instrument
Use external tools to help with the creation of the wavetable then import it into the Tracker.
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
Halion (software)
Parawave Rapid (software)
Not sure but possibly will be the first hardware product to do that.