Multisample/Wavetable Sampling Automation

This wish is a bit of a two parter:

Parts of this feature wish (specifically wavetable sampling automation) have no other dependencies. For multisampling automation, the Mini would obviously require support for Multisamples, which is defined in this wish.

What is the problem?

Recording (Multi-)samples or a wavetable from a synth preset is currently quite tedious or requires skills while it could be fully automated. This wish suggests an on-device method of multisampling or generate wavetables from external hardware/software through MIDI and Audio I/Os, in an automated way.

  • The idea here would be to be able to create multi-sample libraries of complex / organic instruments and to be able to share them with the community like we currently do with .pti instruments.
  • Also, it is in the spirit of the “let me grab a sound and make something of it”, especially now with the portability of the Mini.

What do you want to achieve?

  • Inside the Tracker’s sample view, a (multi-)sample robot/recorder which is technically a sampled MIDI sequence generated from a user pre-selected interval range, layers of velocity and gate/duration of the note to the Tracker’s MIDI-out ports;

  • Still in the Sample view, add a Wavetable Generator tool which would send the appropriate MIDI messages to grab the sound and automatically detect and trim the recorded sound to a single-cycle waveform that will generate a wavetable instrument.

Are there any workarounds?

  • Manually record the different octaves and velocity layers in a folder on the SDcard with a file naming convention and manually choose the right note/velocity level to add in the pattern. But tedious and more adequate for use a specific project than keeping in library and sharing with the community;

  • Manually record and trim a wavetable and set it as a wavetable type instrument.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

  • 1010music Blackbox;
  • Akai MPC;
  • NI Maschine/+.

Some small cleanups and a preamble to explain the connection to the Multisample Engine wish. :writing_hand: :blush:

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Thanks ! There was a typo of mine remaining, just fixed it.

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Hi @alexandrosroussos , thanks for your contribution. Because of this wish being rejected, unfortunately this one doesn’t make sense without it. So we have to reject it for the same reason.

Hi. It’s a bit of a bummer that those two are rejected. I thought it would be in the spirit of the “instant sound stealing” satisfaction the mini provides by its compact format. And combined with my (validated for vote) wish for sampling over USB, it would have been very convenient to multi-sample presets from our favorite iPad/iPhone auv3 apps with a single USB-C cable.

If it’s a definitive no, could we at least imagine a wavetable creation automation mentioned in this wish ? Considering we already have the wavetable instrument implemented. Is it worth I create a specific wish for this ?

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Thanks for your comment. I am not sure, it takes the whole development team to evaluate the wishes which sometimes takes considerable time, so I alone am not capable to give you a quick answer. It’s best to log it and we’ll try to review as soon as possible. Thanks for your interest and contributions to make our products better.

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