Hi @reubenfinger , thank you for detailed bug report and additional information. This helps a lot to understand the issue you’re experiencing. We are analysing what’s wrong and will inform you when we find a solution.
Early explanation: the markers are snapped to zero points in instruments which don’t loop (you can see they are green). This literally means they are “snapped” to nearest zero point (within few milliseconds). And in this “edge” case, the whole sample is only few milliseconds long, so start and end point might have snapped to the same point in the sample and that’s why they don’t play/loop. This is my guess.
So while we look for solution I recommend not to use Snap to zero with very short samples and instead rely on setting the loop markers manually.
Anyway, I took the liberty to rename your bug report so others can more easily find it and understand what’s wrong if they are experiencing the same problem. Hope that OK, and please let me know if you disagree.