Tracker Mini first impressions

If it was me that release this product i would have crashed YouTube with uploads , what sold me the tracker ,performances , less talking .Release the Tiny beast, heck…i search every day for new inspiring stuff that just makes me go stupid and buy the thing,

Cant seem to find much stuff at the moment, and there are quite a few complaints here and there which makes it a bit confusing, pulling the finger away from the trigger, and the wife has even said that i can buy it, she doesn’t mind.

At the moment i am 40% 60% between this and the m8, but since i already own the tracker i am not sure if i want to spend money on the same kind of thing, But i do need something small discrete and portable .

much love polyheadz

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My experience with has been marred by a few bugs. I did make some cool tracks but anytime I go to song mode it freezes. Also certain drum libraries I have only work in browser view but when I import the samples they play clipped, as if only a short segment of them plays. Also it crashes randomly so cant really use this live right now. i posted a video about the 2nd issue on facebook here Polyend Tracker Mini Cluster | So I’m having this issue still where my drum samples play fine in the browser but when I load them into the right panel they clip quickly

Its my lunch time song maker with some friends :). still getting use to some of the button combos but its been a good experience so far.


Hi @thespacecampaign , thanks for your comment and sorry you’re experiencing issues.

This is issue with Snap to Zero: Sometimes samples don't play until end when Snap to zero = On
As a workaround you can switch it Off in Config, until the next update when this should be fixed.

Please log a Bug and help us find a solution for it.

Thank you!

Interesting friends you have there m8. :slight_smile:

I see the potential with the Mini but sadly I am returning mine… I should of listened to my gut and waited to see more real users and not influencers/sponsers demoing it… I still love the OG tracker and The Play is extremely fun as well… The mini outside of a few small bugs, the setup is functional but lead to more frustration then creativity… for me anyway…


After some initial reluctance, my impressions of the Mini have been very positive. I wasn’t planning on using its portability much, the reason I got the Mini was its stereo capability (more on that later). But being able to carry it anywhere is such an unexpected enjoyment. I’m making little tunes all the time now, and taking it with me anywhere - thanks Polyend for including the pouch! The button layout for holding it gameboy-style is very well thought out, and I like it that you can often navigate by both your left hand (d-pad) and right hand (plus/minus buttons). Even the stiff buttons compared to the OG are clearly intentional, because thumb-pressing while holding the device is way more comfortable.

I was expecting to miss the jog wheel, but came to realize that the Mini’s portability outweighs the comfort of the jog wheel. The d-pad works just fine, but I think the design could be improved by something like a scroll wheel on the side. But I’m not missing the jog wheel as much as I’d expected. Also the dedicated buttons on the OG can be easily mapped to the quick select of the Mini, so I don’t need to use the menu as much as I feared. And I love it that the key combinations, for instance pattern button + d-pad for switching between patterns, also work on the Mini, or holding and adjusting multiple parameters at the same time.

What I do surely miss the most, and have been working around ever since I got the Mini, is the lack of pads. Banging out some drums turned out to be easier than I expected. Although it’s nowhere near as fast and intuitive as it is on the OG, in some weird way it feels more precise, and I come up with different ideas. But I just can’t get anything melodic going by navigating the note grid, or by laying down a track full of C’s and then up/downing them into a melody. I also miss some way of just quickly triggering the currently selected instrument from the pattern view, like I do all the time with the pads, trying out a little melody or drum pattern. This can all be amended with an iPhone MIDI controller of course, but that’s adding another device and another cable, and I would like to stick to just the Mini as much as possible.

Another huge drawback of not having the pads, is that it ruins the joy of performance mode. While performing, I’m always triggering multiple effects at the same time. On the Mini, you’re stuck with navigating to the effect, adjusting the value, navigating to another, and so on. To me this crushes the whole intention of performance mode. If there only was some way to select multiple effects, for instance locking an effect with the fire button so that it stays selected when navigating to the next, this would hugely improve performance mode on the Mini. This way you could set up little scenes where the plus/minus buttons trigger a whole row of effects at once.

The reason I instabought it in the first place: stereo samples alone are totally worth buying the Mini for. The difference in spatial sound is just ginormous compared with the OG. Although you might not notice that much difference at first when playing with the Mini, especially because songs you load from from the OG (or the demo songs) will still have their mono samples. I built a little song with full stereo samples on the Mini and then loaded this unaltered onto the OG to truthfully compare the two. There’s a tape stop effect after which the song switches from the Mini to the OG or back. We all learned to work around the OG’s mono character, panning and reverb and the Space setting did get you quite far. But it’s just nothing compared to the full blazing stereo that the Mini has, it just sounds awesome. I just can’t stop being amazed at what huge sound this tiny little device can produce.

So yeah, the OG’s device design is overall more intuitive, but the Mini’s portability is one hell of an excuse for most of this, and almost everything that changed in the Mini supports its handheld use. I don’t have a permanent studio setup, so every time I’m making music I’m pulling devices from under the tables and chairs and hooking them up with cables and MIDI and whatnot. Being able to just pick up the Mini and continue where I left off, trying out a few new ideas, coming up with things that wouldn’t have happened in a studio, is just awesome. While a studio sometimes can feel like work, especially fighting MIDI and audio routing and goddamn this ground noise, the Mini feels like playtime.


I think the only miss on this device from a hardware perspective, is the lack of a crappy little speaker built-in.

I will ask EU to forbid the sale of portable devices without crappy little speakers in :grinning:

Other than that, I hope the soft-touch will never become “sticky touch” at some point.

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You just made me your Nemesis! :supervillain: :laughing:

I am sooo happy there is no speaker. I freaking hate tiny crappy speakers they put on portable devices. There is absolutely not point to have those in devices. I’ll take the 3.5mm ANYDAY.

Now… instead of me just rambling… i’ll argue/propose this:

Bluetooth would probably be preferable so you can connect a crappy little bluetooth speaker (which is still a fabillion times better than a built-in-crap-speaker) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Bluetooth so you can have both the crappy sound and the latency :laughing:

Bluetooth would indeed have been good for MIDI, but I’ll create a new wish for USB-C MIDI host function soon, will be even more convenient :wink:

I’ve already posted the wish draft for the USB-C MIDI host functionality I mentioned in my previous response :wink:

BTW, as you had suggested about my wish for Multisample Instrument/Robot, I’ve split it to two separate draft wishes :

At the occasion, I included your idea for the wavetable generator as well.

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100% feel you on the lack of speakers. Prevents me from using this as I do my other portable devices. I still need to dive deeper in this thing, as I actually am finding some things I love in this device versus the M8 I use on an almost daily basis, but honestly the lack of speakers is a huge bummer.


You people with the freaking speaker :expressionless:


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I just got an AirFly Bluetooth adapter for the line out and it’s been a nice upgrade for using TM with AirPods. It should also work to send audio over BT from a phone to the TM line input but I haven’t tried that yet. AirFly | Bluetooth transmitter

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I really don’t understand this need of speakers. What about the basses, the harmonics with such things ?
Serious gear don’t have speaker(s), just line out and/or headphone plug. Composing and sequencing is one thing. Mastering sound out is another.


I agree. Seems odd that people would flag speakers as the one thing that’s missing for them, when clearly the main thing that’s missing is some kind of rudimentary keyboard/pads to trigger notes/figure-out a tune…
That’s how I use my OG Tracker. That’s the main way I use it.

I was so excited to hear about the portable Tracker when the story came out from that Polish language feature video on Polyend. Someone at the Elektronauts forum translated it and I was like: oh shit, a portable Polyend Tracker!!!

I didn’t cry when the Mini was finally unveiled, but I felt like it. Maybe I’ll be able to forgive Polyend one day. One day… maybe.

I wasn’t going to get the Mini because I was so disappointed in the lack of keyboard/pads, but in the end I saw one on eBay and got it for £450.

I like it, but I still feel that it’s massively handicapped without the keyboard/pads. Not sure if I’ll keep it.

I don’t think I’ll ever sell my 2020 OG Tracker!!!

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Mainly because every other portable battery-powered music device I own and ever bought had speakers, but obv different folks prefer diff things!

theres not much to understand. its portable, people want it to be standalone, its primary competitor has good speakers for the size, it makes sound, the logical conclusion is speakers.


Loving the Mini! I’m not missing much from the OG unit, navigation hasn’t been an issue. Being able to customize the hotkeys is essential for my flow, as I rarely needed to access Config. I just wish the D-Pad Enter button previewed steps that are already sequenced instead of copying over them.


The only reason I wouldn’t mind a speaker is that, from time to time, an idea will strike and I’ll want to put down a sequence to capture the thought. I do this with the M8 fairly often (to my surprise LOL) and rarely bother to find headphones when doing that. So, in that case I actually do find a speaker useful.