Tracker 1.7 firmware update is available

Why was Mod and .it support removed? That stinks!


As stated in the manual, fully supporting Mod and .it files never worked 100%, and after beta testing it was incompatible with 1.7. Adding support for it. and mod files would have delayed an already delayed firmware.

We made the call to discontinue support instead of delaying the firmware with the assumption it wasn’t a popular feature as full unity with Mod and .it files will never be achievalbe due to the lack of feature parity. I would suggest making a wish to have it implemented again as our assumption was that due to the lack of unity between file types, and complaints about compatibility, it wasn’t that useful of a feature.

Maintaining a feature which doesn’t work 100% started to make less sense for us in the long run and took away focus from more important topics which we want to fully support and improve in the future. If the wish was a popular one the dev team can recosider implementation.


@reubenfinger @christopher.garner @Endlosregler
We are sorry you experienced Tracker freezing/crashing! We also ran into this issue and are working to find the exact cause and clear reproduction steps. The most efficient way you can help us is creating a Bug report where we can collect info and have focused discussion about this problem. This way we can come up with a solution to deliver to you as fast as possible. Thank you so much for bringing this up and please be patient while we analyse this one.

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback so far, both about things you like and dislike, keep it coming :slight_smile:


Does the Tracker Mini retain Mod and .it support? If so, why did you remove a feature from the Tracker? How did removing that feature make this is a better device for us?

Edit: Ok, I understand your reasoning for removing it, nevertheless, it sucks.

It’s beginning to Look like you assumed wrong

hey christopher I know it might suck but can’t you load the older firmware and then import every mod / IT you wanted? Just an idea :slight_smile:

Cant wait to try this, nice one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Created draft wish , this is the first time to my knowledge a feature has been removed from a piece of hardware . You need to rethink this.


Going to wait for the next one or two updates, as I would hate to mess up songs I’m currently still working on. Glad to see an update though, and the new stuff seems to be decent QoL improvements. Unfortunate a feature got removed, but hopefully it’s to make way for my Granular Length Step FX wishlist item :smiley:

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Had a crash trying out the fill options, mostly randomizing the fx lanes, while playing, looping a pattern. Suddenly the sound froze up to a beep, which couldn’t be stopped using the play button or holding the power button in the back. I had to pull the plug. Fortunately the unit seems not to be damaged when rebooting it.

If re-introducing mod support is not viable, please open up the song format so abled coders can create conversion tools.


+1 from me, fully supported!

That makes sense but I’m still a bit heartbroken about it.

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I feel like a nerd as the New File and Project Management feature is my favourite. I can finally organise my sets.

Really sad to see .mod .it files go as that was how I got the projects into Renoise. will give @Sandroid a vote on his draft wish. Got a video plan talking about Digital twins in the music industry focusing on the Minifreak and Minifreak V, Could see this happen for the tracker.

I know you are juggling space on the chip, but really happy to get these features.


same, none of the games load at all. i sent a email to polyend help about it.

Thanks for the update Polyend! I really like the more head room improvement and the audio level for sample playback. Also, I’m excited to try the zero crossing indicator for looping synth sounds. Very cool!

I’m wondering if the delay is a bit different? I listened to a track I had started on 1.6 and it sounds like the delay is behaving a bit differently (not in a bad way).

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Your delay question may be related to the “breaking changes” section of the update log above. Seems that the delay has been modified in its function to some extent.

Thanks for pointing me to that. For some reason I didn’t take that bit in when I read through the 1.7 changes initially.

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No worries.

Bugs are best reported here, not to their email :).

I appreciate a lot 1.7 firmware. Thank you very much.

Today it randomly froze two times,so went back to 1.6. I love tracker and is amazing the ability to go back to older firmwares so easily.

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