Tracker 1.7 firmware update is available

Make a video about how disappointed you are that the mod and .it support has been removed. Begs the question what else will they remove?

Some freezes here, and most of them happened conspicuously around the same position within the same song, but I still can’t reproduce it. What I did notice is that they happened around a position in the song where the sample I used was cropped after upgrading to 1.7.0. I didn’t do this, this just happened after upgrading the firmware.



Other than this, I’m immensely pleased with 1.7.0. I learned to painstakingly work around the VolumeFX clicks and pops, and now they’re just totally 100% gone. The new file management is amazing. Saturation on the master is great. Extra headroom is great. Revolver view is awesome. One of my minor annoyances, bars starting at 1-17-33-49-65 instead of 0-16-32-48-64, is now fixed. So so so many improvements that after one day of using I just can’t go back to 1.6.0.


Yeah, I’m sorry that was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought the reverb algo had been improved on the early beta but the headroom and click management is what made the reverb sound better. So did we get a better reverb? No. Does the reverb sound better? In my experience in everyday use - yes.


Sample bug!

To try the snap to zero ability I recorded a few short samples from the radio.
It appeared that when saved, the last part of the samples didn’t play.

I tried record some speech from the radio and the same happened with a longer sample. It’s like 1/5 of the sample (in the end) aren’t played.

Only when I open the sample in sample editor the whole sample is played.

I loaded 1.6 firmware and the samples played normally.
I loaded 1.7 again and the same issue. The last part of the newly recorded samples didn’t play.

The samples that I load from the SD card plays normally.


Hi @Wolfshoek , sorry you’re experiencing issues. Please file a Bug report with attached project folder with problematic sample/instrument (or sent it to me via private message) and we’ll try to see what’s wrong and find a solution. Thank you for reporting this and for the kind words. We are glad you’re enjoying the new firmware and looking forward to receive more information about this issue from you.


Hi @therealyez , sorry for the problems you’re seeing in the new firmware. We aren’t able to investigate further without more information how reproduce it. As in my previous comment: please file a Bug report with attached project folder with problematic sample/instrument (or sent it to me via private message) and we’ll try to see what’s wrong and find a solution. Thank you for making us awake of this and we hope to find a solution for it fast.


Same issue here. When I crop a sample to a length below 1.300 seconds, the sample playback stops before reaching the end. It’s easy to reproduce, I’ll post examples.


@Wolfshoek Thanks for pointing this out. We have a reproduction now. You and @therealyez don’t need to waste more time on it. We’ll investigate and fix this as soon as possible.


@miropoly @Wolfshoek @therealyez

This bug too seems to be affected by having zero crossings on, as when zero crossings are turned off in config the sample plays all the way through.

Same as the bug I reported on certain single cycle waveforms not looping when zero crossings is on.


Well that seems to be how little companies work nowadays, release unfinished minimum viable products for immediate cash infusion and wait for customer feedback to improve them afterwards.

I must say I never had any sound or freeze issues with the tracker, even though I’m quite heavy on automation stuff, single cycle samples and wavetable, and midi loopback techniques.
I got the machine in its early days for a fair price, so I won’t complain about it, and it is now ten times better that it was when I bought it.

Would I use it for live situations where I’d need reliable gear though? Lets be serious…

(Sorry for the off topic reply, it was meant to be an answer to empe999’s post, but I clicked the wrong answer button)

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You’re right, when Snap To Zero is off, the sample plays all the way through. :+1:

I updated to 1.7 and I, too, experience the zero-crossing problem on long-ish samples (weirdly enough this happens even in beat slice mode), as well as the broken NES emulator :frowning: Please please do a 1.7.1 patch or something because all the new features are great
PS: I haven’t experienced the fill freeze yet and other than the zero-crossing problem it seems as stable as ever, though maybe my projects are simple or something

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Hey guys listen just wanted to chime in, its normal for new firmware that just went public to have issues and errors! If you have bugs report them so they can be fixed! I used to beta test gear until no bugs then they release it and other people used it in ways i never tried, etc. Theres game stopping bugs and then it has ti be resolved. Its very standard, and a miracle if no bugs on release. If you just are giving up because you hit a freezing bug here or there its not going to help if you dont report it!


Maybe its an idea for the team to do open beta’s with new firmwares, like most developers are doing these days. Then a user knows its still beta firmware and can expect bugs that can be reported.

Just my 2 dutch cents :blush:


this was my weekend poking around 1.7. Liking the new UX and colour coding though the tracker. I will miss the .MOD but poked and think i still have a way for backwards compatablility


I had the same crashes that several users had. It happens in any moment, switching from pattern to pattern, previewing a section.

I noticed another problem: when importing (not adding) samples, the Tracker freezes if the preview is very short - so far I tried quite a few times and every time the preview is a few seconds long, it’s fine, but when it comes closer to under 100ms, it just freezes and I have to re-plug the USB adapter. This happens even if the zero-crossing option is turned off. Mods, please let me know if this is something that was unnoticed before so I can provide you with a video or whatever!

I really like some of the new features, but there is a big issue for me: if a Rv or RV or Rn or RN or RR fx is placed on a step without a note, it only comes out as a ROLL (R), while in previous firmware it worked as expected.
So now all the projects I made with previous firmware sound different, worst in any case.
For now I need to stay with 1.6


Hi @carlettogm , we received your bug report, thank you. Please see our reply there, to avoid duplication, let’s continue discussion within the bug report. Thanks for bringing it up and for the kind words.

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