Tracker 1.7 firmware update is available

As stated in the manual, fully supporting Mod and .it files never worked 100%, and after beta testing it was incompatible with 1.7. Adding support for it. and mod files would have delayed an already delayed firmware.

We made the call to discontinue support instead of delaying the firmware with the assumption it wasn’t a popular feature as full unity with Mod and .it files will never be achievalbe due to the lack of feature parity. I would suggest making a wish to have it implemented again as our assumption was that due to the lack of unity between file types, and complaints about compatibility, it wasn’t that useful of a feature.

Maintaining a feature which doesn’t work 100% started to make less sense for us in the long run and took away focus from more important topics which we want to fully support and improve in the future. If the wish was a popular one the dev team can recosider implementation.