CPU overload and CPU usage seems to be the biggest question on Synth right now. We did make the choice to allow users to exceed CPU instead of arbiratirly limiting the device.
The Synth can play up to 8 voices but some configurations will exceed the CPU with 8 voices. CPU Tips:
The most important thing to remember is that if you assign a voice to a Synth and that voice isn’t in use it will still use the CPU if it is playing or not.
PMD and Grain are the most resource intensive. For Grain rolling off the density if you are having CPU overload will help. For PMD array is how many filter banks are being used, so if you turn that down it will change the tone but get better performance.
No need for polyphony on single note arps or sequences, use 2 voices if the gate lenght is over 100, 1 voice is all that is needed if under 100 on gate length. The exception is playing back chord packs via the sequencer or chord modes on the arp.
CPU high messages mean you are at the edge of the CPU limit, you can usually get away with staying in this area if you “finish” a scene the first time you see this message. Audio clicks are more likely to occur on Chords once you are in the high CPU range so this is something to watch out for once you see the CPU high message.
Some factory patches can fixed easily if you are getting clicks or CPU messages by changing the number of voices - For example Atcha_Sunrisepeaking - I made this patch and didn’t experience clicking despite it being in the high CPU range, but it has too many voices assigned to an ARP while only using 1 voice for each synth slot, just remove a couple of the blue voice and you wont exceed the CPU. I’ll update this if I think of more tips but those are the first things I can think of off the top of my head.