Make All Filter Types Available in Every Engine

What is the problem?

Synth has 8 engines, with 5 different filter configurations, ACD, FAT, GRAINS, and PMD each bring a separate one, and there’s another one shared by the remaining four engines. Also pitch tracking is not available for ACD and FAT, but those engines feature a FilterLFO parameter, which is not present in the other engine’s filter pages.

As a user, I’d like to use all filter types with any engine, and I’d like to have filter tracking anywhere as well.

What should this feature achieve?

A more coherent experience on the Filter Page across all engines (except for PMD¹):

  • FilterType: all 16 filter variants of RD3, MG, OB and SVF
  • Pitch Tracking: also available for ACD and FAT
  • FilterLFO: available for those engines that don’t have a Mod Page

¹ because the Resonator has a completely different set of filter parameters, and also can consume a lot more CPU than the other filters, adding that to the wish would increase the complexity of that feature

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

Having “engines” is not that common, so the list is limited:

  • Elektron Syntakt and Digitakt separate engines and filters.
  • Roland SH-4d. “Engines” and filters are separate (just one filter for all engines)
  • Waldorf Iridium: “engines” are selected per oscillator, filters are entirely separate
  • Kurzweil K2x00: for each layer the user can select an algorithm, which defines a the number of function slots and the routing between them, and for each slot the user can select from a selection of functions specific to that slot. Each filter type is a separate function, which ones are available for a slot depends on the algorithm. Pretty flexible, pretty complicated, totally unsuitable for Synth