Polyend Tracker has only one stereo output, therefore is the ability to export songs very important for when you want to forward the material for post processing in the DAW or a for usage in a hired studio.
What should this feature achieve?
We already have the ability to export both songs and patterns, but there are a few points, which would improve the export/output.
A small .txt file including information, which would be very help for the next person who have to mix or master the work, example:
Global BPM
Song structure [Arrangement]
Export file extension info
Exclude tracks which are not used.
Include the midi tracks too as separate .mid files.
Generate a project file for each song, which is compatible or could be converted to be compatible with most major DAWs.
Are there any workarounds?
Track via USB [Only possible with Tracker Plus]
Manually correcting and adding text information on post level.
Hey @gravedraq, i like your wish, but as you even noticed. there’s already 3 different wishes that include parts of your wish.
It’s ok to mention them as it seems these all would be part of the overall goal.
This means - could you tailor this wish to focus on the missing parts that the other wishes don’t cover?