Question on next Firmware for Play+

Hi I am in the market for a groovebox. It is between Roland MC-707 or Play+

I’ve been holding out for new FW for the Polyend to see what new features will be added. I was under the impression it was coming out very soon or even overdue? So I held off on my decision.

What’s the deal? Was it postponed in favour of the new Tracker+? Is it still coming soon?

Are there any rumours as to what features and fixes the new FW might bring?

We are all eagerly awaiting this!

I think the most recent update we got was still that it will be out “this summer”. Summer is not over yet. A little patience is probably your best ally right now :slight_smile:

…And welcome to Backstage, btw :wave:


The only thing we know so far is that the Perc synth engine will make it into the new Play+ firmware and midi performance is going to be added but other than that is anyones guess.

If sample slicing doesn’t make it into this next firmware update I think i’m gonna :boom: :grin:

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To be honest, I don’t get why everyone is mad about missing sample slicing. To me the Play is a completely different kind of machine that doesn’t need slicing.


slicing is a big one for me. everyone has different desires. all good

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maybe’s for you it doesn’t need it, but not for everyone else, sample slicing is an essential tool in music production these days, I wonder why it’s the most requested wish then :thinking:

The Play is a different machine, but it is also a machine whereby sample slicing can be taking in a different creative direction, someone who doesn’t need sample slicing isn’t going to see it, but using the randomisation, chance, action, probability, sample selection, step repeater with sliced samples is something no other device on the market is currently capable of, which the Play would be… thats why we want to see sample slicing on the device, for the creative possibilities.

But you do you man.

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I wouldn’t knock it if it were there, and I’d probably use it, but from an electronic instrument hardware design standpoint, I feel that slicing samples implies an ability to collect samples natively, which the Play series does not have.

The Tracker has line in (right?), and I’m looking at my KO II and Maschine+, and they all have inputs besides MIDI, so sample gathering is easy and making edits after capture makes intuitive sense.

I also don’t know how you would get into the mode. It’s a fun thought experiment for sure.

Now: there could be a really cool way to capture samples over USB I’m not thinking about… possibilities abound.

I’m not sure where folk are coming from that they cannot see how useful sample slicing is regardless if a device does not natively sample?

A device does not need to sample to slice loops, there are millions of loops available to you already, christ most folk will already have a ton on their laptop, theres even a number of sample libraries like Splice to grab loops from.

You would just compile loop samples or samples you wish to slice exactly the same way as you currently compile your oneshot samples into a folder? Whats the difference?

If folk can’t see the creative benefit of this, then it’s probably just something that doesn’t excite you and thats fine, we all create things differently man :+1:

I’ll link to another post I made already about it…

So we think about hardware differently… feels kinda natural if you ask me. What you’re describing does sound great.

I actually don’t have a ton of samples on my laptop, and I don’t like to spend a lot of time hunting for them. I only have so much hobby time.

Part of the appeal of the Play for me is that it has such well-defined sample packs and I don’t have to prepare them from scratch.

I do think you’re onto something by introducing special folders. If a folder in your project is called ‘loops’ or ‘oneshots’ or something like that, those can be used a certain way like you describe.

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Yeah, the sample packs that come with the Play are great, I’ve got a ton of projects using only them alone from when I had the OG Play.
I tend to make up my own sample packs these days from samples I’ve bought or scavenged over the many years.

I’ve not bought this one yet, but if anyone is after more oneshot samples to use in Play, i’d highly recommend Electronisounds, this guy is great.

Firmware will get MIDI Perfomancemode and PERC instrument at least and maybe just maybe a synth or aoundsource called PHZ

Well MC 707 or Play … thats a though choice.

I have a Force and its really the Godfather of Grooveboxes in terms of Features. But for me the Play Plus is the best buy for the last 5 years or so. I think the Synth sounds on the Roland are better they have really a legacy. But play Plus has:

  • a great small Footprint
  • power with smartphone very mobile
  • ok Synths
  • a really really well designed workflow (not for synths buts that also not so nice on the MC 707)
  • Play plus is a great Couch Machine
  • really great Sequencer for one shot but not the best for melodic stuff
  • good but not perfect generative Stuff more for oneshots not the best for melodic stuff
  • a really smart sample managment for generative sample changes
  • great random parameters stuff

I can say the Play is greater than all of its parts together its such a well device with many limits. Like a real instrument a perfect tool for some special kind of work

My force is a toolbox with not so nice tools but many of these that feel ot good to use.

I think the MC 707 is something between this?

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Thing is: If slicing is in next update +advertised features in a soild stabel bug free firmware , it pushes this thing into top#1 close to greatness…

If a year between updates experience is the expectancy and the next OS is… whoops … some bugs still , causing you to sweat live and lose work in life …and the forthcoming slice is comming in next OS or the one after (slices in late 25🤔) is why its concerning now …

But man NI just released Stems for their DJ tractor, and a new M+ update is about to drop / a not so wild guess is that it will support Reaktor instruments with GUI :zap::zap:

Reaktor has remix sample slicers😍 and endless sources of synths, effects and DSPs and of great quality… so yhea Polyend are not free zoning here…heck the 707 even with its dates layering process /editing is just a massive playground with endless sonic adventures, this is waht makes committing to something that seams to need stability and improved arrangement speed hard to do.

That being said, the OG tracker can be had for bargain prices now … I am so tempted… if the UI as noted in XOX Grid thread was addressed … Id just pick up a tracker and commit to it …its just such a complete thing in its own right


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Love to see the slice feat also, but I haven’t seen any “official” response anywhere to hint at that being included in the next update…?

In the meantime, anyone have any recs on slicing workflow, plugins, etc? I currently send loops that i want to slice into a Live drumrack, and then save out each slice one by one, and create a folder to load into the Play. Kind of a pain :slight_smile:

What I really want from the next FW besides the already promised features is render selection to sample pool. Want to use PERC but don’t want to spend a precious synth slot on it.

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If you want to noodle and have fun and create beats quickly, the Play is great. If you want to make release ready music or extended live sets (see, the 707 is way ahead.

I 1+ this Polyend Play+ review. :slight_smile:
I use the Play+ the same way and I feel that it hits the sweet spot as a well-made, sketchbook.
Of course… (now the Polyend Plug and jab lol)
I do hope that they add more synth engines to it and add a steady stream of effects (which it doesn’t really have all that much of) along with updates.

I do love the free samples which Polyend has been steadily giving out of late. It shows me they care and even if they don’t have the time to get a patch or an update out.
So I can look forward to a little bonus each month. Keeps me very brand loyal.

Back to the product.
The form factor is what is great about this device, so easy to get into, and it is totally intuitive.
Even if Polyend missed as few connectivity opportunities with the stereo Plus upgrade,
which I’m sure that was a cost factor.
It is a great couch (in my case bedtime) device.
Light and easy to use.
It’s really good for putting ideas together, on the go.

I do think they need a better desktop backend connection sort of like MPC Beats or Elektron Transfer to expand the possibilities of the device better. Maybe let others write code for the machine and make it open source (or at least part of it) effects maybe?

The build is great. The buttons are great and I feel the touch sensitivity is good.
I just love the way it all works.
So think high-end musical sketchbook.