Play 1.6.0 and Play Plus 1.2.0 Live Finger Drumming Mode Beta


this is such a good feature

Oh god yes! Would love for the ability to record the live finger drumming (and then have it quantise all my mistakes! :grin:

Finger drumming recording won’t work on the tracks as they can’t multitask between playback and live recording but it could be doable via the vertical keypad on the left instead, what do you think about this?


You mean on right?

Also wouldn’t the keyboard just give you one sound in different octaves? Unless I misunderstood you.

Right now it just gives you sound in different octaves yeah. But using those instead to trigger “finger drumming” of multiple samples could be a solution to the tracks not recording live finger drumming.


Also what I like the finger drumming tracks for is kinda weird but they make great “clip launchers” for PC and CC changes so every time you want to change a preset on your other device you just press one of the buttons that has a different PC message assigned.


yes it would !

Sounds like a nice alternative then :smiley:

I also wish I could try the finger drumming mode, but the latest beta for OG play won’t work for my original play right now as it crashes and I have to keep deleting workspace folder to make it work. Until that is fixed in the betas, i’ll just use the stable one right now :]

Some time ago I sketched out a workflow for using the vertical 4x8 grid for finger drumming & recording.

See the full description here: Faster pick and place with a user-customizable sample palette

I feel that this should be in line with both the overall interaction paradigm of the play/play+ and its multitasking capabilities. Feel free to implement :wink:



If you could assign different sample to each pad, that would be awesome as well :metal:

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This would definitely be interesting !

Thanks for considering ways to make this work.

Some ideas in that direction :

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I’m thinking if recording for this mode once comes to life I’m going to use it to record harmonies in synth/MIDI mode. Now it’s impossible to record a chord progression onto a single track unless it’s the same chord type/inversion for all steps. I’m talking about chords presets that are accessible through the Sample Start knob. If recording gets implemented, I could prepare different chords from a scale beforehand, let’s say C major, C powerchord, A minor, E minor, etc and then record a harmony.

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As much as I’d love to participate I’ve already got quite an annoying bug I haven’t heard anyone talk about, thought 1.5 might fix it. My top center pad has turned purple in performance mode, and pink in grid mode on the OG Play. It doesn’t seem to be really affecting the functionality, but it’s an eye sore in comparison to how beautiful this machine usually looks. I have no way of recreating the bug cause it just kind appeared there one day, hoping the next update fixes this :sweat_smile: still excited to try this new feature!

Just another report that the 1.6 beta ( is stuck at boot for my unit.
Can I ask what happens next? Are we expecting another beta release?

Hey @mrgum6y, have a look here:

If i recall correctly, the fix for the stuck boot has not been merged with that beta you are running. I would expect either another beta release at some point or it becoming part of a stable release in the future.

Thanks, for the reply.
I have already gone back to 1.5 following that posts instructions.
What I was asking is what happens next?
Are we expecting a new beta soon or will 1.6 stable be released?

This is what i expect to happen next and based on the quote below, it looks like it‘s going to be another beta:

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Hopefully one that integrates the last stable version and both (fixed) betas, so we have a new final release after that.

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