Bug Description
It is possible to play an instrument via an external midi controller even when not yet recording. If the recording mode is set to one of the “velocity” options then those notes will also start playing with a volume based on the velocity parameter of the MIDI note.
However, if a second note is played while the first one is still being played then the volume of the first note snaps to maximum. The second note itself starts playing at the correct velocity but will also snap to maximum once a third note is added to the chord.
Steps to Reproduce
- Set Recording options to Velocity
- Connect an external midi controller that supports velocity
- Select an instrument (sample) that can sustain a note over time
- Make sure at least two sample tracks are unmuted to support live polyphony
- Play some individual soft notes on the external controller and note their volume
- Play and hold a soft C3
- While still holding C3 shortly tap C4
=> The sound of the sustained C3 will become much louder.
This velocity effect does not seem to occur with synth instruments although for those there might be some other parameter changing I’m not 100% sure about that one.
Occurrence / Frequency
Found in Firmware
- Version: 1.0.3
- Build: 1138