If you run into this issue, check your filename lenghts, specifically for your samples if you are using custom samples.
In can lead to a scene that can’t be loaded correctly, thereby causing this state. If that is the case, check the filenames of any newly added samples.
Alternative Workaround
Remove the sd card and delete the /workspace folder
Insert the card into the device again and start
The system will create a fresh /workspace for you
Caution: this will delete any unsaved progress you may have had.
Steps to Reproduce
Turn off the device and remove the sd card
Replace the /workspace folder on the card with the one provided in the attachment
I can confirm this is reproducable with the attached workspace.
@cjclip do you remember what the last things were, that you may have done/changed in this project?
Anything that may help limit/focus what to look out for?
Yes, this issue occurs after I leave custom Grain synthesizers created from my own samples and patches in the last working scene. That’s where the problem lies.
You might try creating your own patches using your samples in the Grain synthesizer, and most likely, after turning it off and on, the synthesizer will not start.
I tested the new beta version and the issue with GRAIN patches persists. Adding them to the working Scene or attempting to load a saved scene using these patches bricks the synthesizer and requires manually deleting the workspace folder.
I would like to receive an official response regarding this issue. Currently, creating custom GRAIN with own samples patches is not a functional feature.
I’ll have a look what is happening with your patches.
I currently have not encountered any issues creating GRAIN patches, so i’m curious to see the difference between your approach and mine. Maybe i can find something that seems weird.
I found the following correlation. The synthesizers stop launching if there is more than one GRAIN in the scene. I’ll now check what happens with the factory patches if I load three of them simultaneously.
Is this limitation on names of samples and folders a reason why my sample folder disappears on my og play. Sorry not really had the time or patience to mess with it. Just curious if anybody’s try this