Is PHZ not coming to Tracker + / Play +?

First, this new Polyend Synth looks amazing. I noticed PHZ in the manual and remebered seeing a PHZ sticker in my box when my Tracker + arrived.

Any plans to have it in the Tracker +?


I would find the joke very rude, if they just added the sticker for fun in the Polyend Tracker Plus box. :slight_smile:


Mitch have said before that T+ and P+ won’t get Phz

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Hehehhe great answer :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

So what are they getting?


Good catch on the fine-print :smiley:

Would love to see wavetable and granular engines updates as well!

PERC is new.

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As far as I’m concerned, I’ve already expressed my wish :smiley::

(not yet up for vote though)

Now if we get the Synth’s additional engines, I wouldn’t say no of course :sweat_smile:

Mitch have said before that T+ and P+ won’t get Phz

is there any post we can refer to ?

Well, it’s not the same as ‘they won’t get it. Period’. But I have a feeling that my interpretation is correct.

Honest answer is I don’t know if it will work on the + or not. It is more CPU intensive than the 4 on there right now. Maybe lowering voice count if PHZ is loaded? I don’t know, seems complicated but 1 voice isn’t enough for PHZ imo becauset it makes the best pads, I’d suggest a wish for it? :person_shrugging:


PERC is already shipped with Tracker+

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I’d second a wish; it makes sense that a dedicated synth unit would be more capable, and folks here shouldn’t confuse ongoing product improvement and support as making impossible hardware improvements to their already shipped units.

That said, it seems like there’s a desire to see how flexible and how much one can wring out of the Tracker Mini/+ CPU with these because you already give use the option to control voice allocation when using the synth engines.

I don’t own a play or a play + so I can’t speak to that.

Is there a huge cpu hardware difference between Tracker Plus, Play Plus and Synth?


What about the Wavetable engine then? It must be easier to handle as it is sample based. And also it’s the most versatile type of synthesis because one can achieve practically any sound with it, from phase distortion to analog, you only need good wavetables.


That’s a tough one as it bring tremendous value to the Play+ but lots of overlap to the Tracker+

Personally, I would just love to see the improved editor or an improved patch editor!


Yeah, I feel like this is becoming complicated. These updates are a double edged sword sometimes. I’ve been seeing so many of these posts the last week or two while Polyend’s been releasing new stuff and updates…

Every (new) engine of every device is now “expected” in every past and future other release/device, which I understand as a user and consumer, but I don’t like it when there’s so much overlap in products (ie. Elektron still confuses me in terms of what makes each device stand out from the others). I prefer more focus (which doesn’t mean it can’t be versatile).

Are we purely then just going to basically end up paying for workflow? If all the Polyend sound generators, synths, samplers and functionality etc. are going to be more or less the same in all machines, it is only going to come down to how you prefer to work (synth’s unique workflow or Tracker’s unique workflow or Play’s unique workflow etc.)? I get that, and that might be part of their design goals but for instance with Synth…it’s a SYNTH, so I do expect it to have more and different synth engines (not found on other devices), and to be more customiseable than having it on a “non dedicated synth” device? I don’t think that’s unreasonable? What’s the point then otherwise? Just workflow?

I am pretty sure I’m going to get piled on for this, but I don’t really get it. I do feel like Polyend’s design philosophy is very much around innovative and fun workflow (which I’m a huge fan of myself), so maybe I am a bit of a party pooper but personally, I don’t want all these devices to sound more or less the same because they all have the same stuff? As much as people want bang for their buck in terms of wanting the perhaps one Polyend product they have to do what all the other ones do, in that same sentiment, I want the one or more devices I own to be unique not only in workflow, but in what they offer in sound :man_shrugging:t3:

Just thinking “out loud” here really, what do you guys think?


I’m okay with not having PHZ on the + machines, was just curious about it as a phase distortion fan. Got excited when i saw the sticker in the box.