As once in a while these questions pop up, i figured let's do a wishlist Q&A with some additional helpful information. Feel free to ask a question if something is unclear or there is no answer to your question.
Creating a wish
Users can create a wish in Draft wishes
(Wishlist is only for fully vetted and votable wishes)
Once a wish is created the Moderator Team will scout and correct them if necessary. They may also ask some further questions to help clarify the intent of the wish and to make it as clear as possible.
After this, it is assigned to Polyend for Review
If it is considered a feature in-line with Polyends product vision and technically feasible, it will be opened for public voting.
Voting is done via a small box on the top of a wish:
How do the categories work, specifically would “synths-playplus” also relate to Synth, because some/all engines are the same? So would I have to add that to some of the wishes for Synth that releate to engines, or would a moderator do this?