Export looping songs

What is the problem?

When you play your song on the tracker it loops, which is great if you are writting a looping track for a game.
However, once the song is exported you have a track that doesn’t loop and you have to fix it in a daw.
Currently you have to manually cut the length so it stops at the right moment and move any audio that is still playing after the end to the beginning so it doesn’t abrutly stop.

This feels like something the tracker should be taking care of. Especially as it is more representive of how the song plays when you play it on the tracker.

What should this feature achieve?

It should give the option to export your song as a loop so you can avoid having to fix it later in a daw.

Are there any workarounds?

You can fix it later in a DAW.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

Loopy Pro


Hey there @theadamhowell thanks so much for the wish!

I’m getting the impression that your wish is more in relation to the Bug below. currently When rendering, there is extra space/audio recorded at the end of the track.
So in regards of this bug being fixed, would you consider this would grant your wish?
All the best :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response @dan.lgrnd . I don’t think just trimming the silence on the end would make the song loop correctly. When the tracks loop it would have to loop at the right time and notes that are still ringing would need to continue playing over the start of the track. They couldn’t be cut short. This is what happens when you play a song and it loops around on the tracker itself.

It’s not a deal breaker by a long shot as I can quickly fix it in a daw but it would be nice feature as all the tracks I’m making loop and it would be more consistant with what you actually hear on the device.

Ok got it, thanks!

I just want to clarify that we’re both on the same page as to what is a “loop”. If I understand correctly, at the end of your song/render, you’d like it to cut perfectly on the beat, ignoring release notes, reverb trails, delay, etc?

I think what they are referring to is a similar feature to ‘Loopy Pro’ app, in that it records the tail of the loop i.e the delay/reverb trail and mixes this into the loop to make a perfect loop which includes the tail rather than just making a hard cut of the end of a loop.

That would be a cool feature.

I think this would work well in conjunction with another user request for making perfect loops based on bar or step length.

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Thanks for jumping in and clarifying. Much appreciated!

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Updated to include the other Polyend devices as this would be good to see on the Play too given it’s limited sample editing features.

Appreciated, but I’m pretty sure that wishes are limited to a single product-line.

@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: