Can we get program change access to the instruments in instrument mode

this is really cool but i need to be able to switch to another instrument with a PC message!

for christmas maybe? can we?

Sure! Let’s gather the Polyend team on Xmas Eve to get back to work! :crazy_face:

Joking aside, I did search and I do believe there has yet to be a wish made for this specific functionality. There was one this Wish for PC to be mapped to change patterns which currently has 32 votes. I don’t know if/when it’s implemented that PC would be uniquely mapped to Patterns only, or if it would be mappable. Patterns and Instruments seem like they would be the most natural candidates.

Alternatively, you could create a new wish specifically for PC to target Instruments, although I believe this would only work when the Tracker isn’t playing.

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yeah merry christmas! i know all that. its so complicated! i just want it to be easy, to be obvious. to me it is. golly gosh

What exactly is complicated?

i gotta start a thread in a hard to find forum and formulate an essay and provide all kinds of links, research, and make a case. then seek approval of the dev team, then collect votes over months and watch as someone elses suggestion rises much faster than mine, even if its an irrelevant feature… when most other trackers even! give you a different instrument with a midi program change. it seems like a logical thing you would have thought of and added. can we get it please? it would be so easy. do i really need to go through all that? i hope this makes sense on its face and doesnt need an explanation.

Yeah I get that not everyone appreciates the voting system, but lot’s of people think that their ideas are the best ideas. At the end of the day, every voice in the community counts and that’s why the wish and voting system is in place.

Happy holidays :slight_smile:

well yeah but lots of gear caters to multiple workflows. this feature is pretty common among gear in the same class and even much cheaper. but do you really think im debating perfectly obvious ideas like we all think ours is the best lolz! no im saying catch up with other gear by doing obvious simple things like this without being asked so we can get stuck in and sing polyends praises instead of explaining what needs no explanation. no? aw man thats a let down. where are those dev team coders? get em on the horn and whip one up for us for christmas! you have about 4 and a half hours, im sure it can be done. ill wait. and merry christmas!

Well the holidays are the times to make your wishes come true, and the first place to start would be here :slight_smile:

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