Brand new tracker plus crashing frequently

I hope this is the right place to ask, I had my Tracker plus delivered this morning, and Ive used it a tiny bit, loaded some of the demo projects etc. It crashed after loading a demo, so i unplugged it and plugged it back in all good. I decided to make a new project and use it, so far its crashed twice within 5 minutes, i picked a synth, pressed rec, added 1 note and bang, instant crash. Its done exactly the same twice in a row. Is the 1.01 firmware really buggy? It came with it installed. Its brand new so I’m really hoping it isn’t faulty, anyone got any tips? its crashed out and needed unplugging about 4 times so far with barely any use. Thank you, any help would be great.

Hey @jiggle.mac welcome to Backstage :partying_face:.
Sorry to hear that you are having issues :people_hugging:.

My suggestion would be trying to flash the firmware once more.
You can find the latest version here:

One annoying bug to look out for (that is going to be fixed with the next update) is a synth related issue. Check here:

If it still crashes a lot, there is a couple things you could try:

  • Power it from a different outlet or try a different USB cable if you have one
  • Try using a regular phone charger (the Tracker is very power friendly) or a USB Powerbank. Could even be your notebook or computer.

If none of that helps, get in touch with customer support. They’ll take good care of you then. :heart:

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The same thing happens to me. Have you added a large number of samples to the SD card?

Hi, no none at all, its straight out of the box. Im working at the moment but il try resetting it updating the firmware later, hopefully it will be all good. Thank you

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I have installed the latest version, but the issue persists and occurs randomly: sometimes everything works stably, and sometimes it doesn’t.

Perhaps, it is worth trying different power connection methods (cables, socket, laptop) and so on. Additionally, it may be worth trying a different SD card.

In any case, the company should do something about this.

Let’s cut them some slack, considering these are new products and they require patience.

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To be honest, I also had a few crashes here and there, but not something im able to exactly reproduce. I cross my fingers that the next OS update for the Tracker plus will add some more stability … :slight_smile:


If it keeps freezing that much please email support, could be hardware related - I’m not sure.

Its been all good since. I think perhaps adding a synth note without loading any samples was causing a crash? I get crashes with the synths sometimes but not many, its excellent now, i love the thing. I have tons of groove boxes and this thing is amazing!
I had an amiga back in the 90s as a teenager, i loved using trackers back then, the tracker plus has brought back the fun of making music. Thank you