Tracker+ Firmware 1.0.1

This is the first Tracker+ firmware update. It focuses on officially adding the PERC drum machine to Tracker+ and synth fixes and improvements. See the full details below. The known issues listed below will also be addressed in a firmware update shortly.

Note: PERC presets have also been updated and finalized below, you will find a several more than in the beta PERC presets.


  • PERC drum synth engine
    • Added lights on the Synth Parameters page and patch editor to indicate different drum hits.
    • Finalized PERC editor
      • Added mixer controls for Cymbal and Perc drums
      • All PERC drums can be triggered on the PERC page
  • Synth Mixer on pg. 3 of the Master page with separate level control of all three synth engines
    • Reverb and Delay sends for the Line In channel have been moved to dedicated Master Reverb / Delay screens on pg. 1 of the Master page
  • Ability to reset Macro parameters to default values (using Delete) in the Edit Patch screen
  • Instrument Synthesizer functionality (on Instrument Parameters/Effects screen) renamed to Instrument MIDI Mapping to differentiate from actual Synth instruments


  • The instrument header label “Synth (Off)” didn’t update correctly when changing synth Polyphony (between 0 and other values)
  • Sometimes the section name (above screen buttons 5-7) in the synth Edit Patch screen was cut too short
  • Reverb/Delay send values display wrong initial values after opening the Synth Parameters screen
  • Parameter list was missing up and down arrows (screen buttons) on the synth Edit Patch screen
  • Improved editing parameters which have a big range of values in the synth Edit Patch screen (for example Filter Cutoff) using the encoder
  • Edit Patch screen showed wrong notes for PERC synth drums (one octave lower, for example, C4 instead of C5 for triggering the kick drum)
  • When synth patch changes were the only changes in a project, they were not (auto)saved
  • The text description in the Config menu > General > “Line in channel” was wrong


  • Wrong Macro values are initialized.
    • When this bug is experienced, the macros will be displayed as 0 but playback incorrect marco values. Manually change each macro parameter on the macro page to reset macros and load default values.
  • Occasional hanging notes on synth playback.
  • Synth Parameters don’t reset when using them with pattern FX.
  • Freeze when duplicating short patterns when using MIDI Tracks


  1. Download and extract (1.6 MB)

  2. Download and extract PERC factory presets: (55.7 KB)

  3. Copy the extracted .ptf firmware file to your Tracker SD card > Firmware folder

  4. Copy the extracted PERC folder to your Tracker SD card > Patches folder

  5. Optional: before updating save your current project to avoid any potential data loss

  6. In Tracker navigate to Config > Firmware > Update Firmware > .ptf file

  7. Press Select and confirm with Yes

  8. After the update, navigate to File > create New Project to correctly initialize Config settings


Just updated and looking forward to having more fun! :partying_face:

:information_source:  Additional info - after a successful update, you should be on:

Version: 1.0.1
Build: 955


Just a curiosity, the Perc folder after expanded has this exact name “Perc”, the other patches’ folder have an all caps name. Could be this affecting patch issues in any extent?

The capitalization doesn’t make a difference. Also the one attached to this post fixed that and has PERC capitalized, just because that was annoying me that it wasn’t capitalized :slightly_smiling_face:. Also has about 5 more presets, some really good ones.


I received a tracker+, it is not possible to use synthesizers, even if you select a preset, arrange the notes, for a while it plays normally, but then some artifacts begin, as if the patch is distorted or randomized :frowning:

v 1.0.1 build 955

attached video (3.5 MB)

p.s. this does not happen on version 1.0.0

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This looks to me like the Macro Reset Bug which is a known issue (see the Known Issues in the announcement).

oh, sorry, didn’t read about known issues. What are the chances of seeing a fix soon? maybe 1.0.2? :slight_smile:

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As Mitch stated in the announcement :wink::


Yeah 1.0.2 should fix this. It is the current priority and devs are working on it but no way for me to give an exact date, sorry. If you go to the macros page and turn them all to 0 even though they are already at 0 it should fix it.


For anyone else looking in here for issues surrounding synth sounds no playing correctly. Please check here:


Just received my new Tracker+, and whilst trying to update the firmware I found that the link on the download page is broken. Thankfully I found this thread, but figured it would be worth noting that the main page currently just links back to itself and downloads an HTML file instead of the firmware.

Edit: Looks to be fixed now, nice one!

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Hey thanks for the heads up, link is fixed!

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