As a user performing with the Synt, I want a those parameters that are typically controlled via nonlinear controls on devices of other vendors to behave they way I have learned over several decades, so that the skills I have acquired can be used on the Synth as well.
What should this feature achieve?
Make it simple to control the sound, especially when mixing voices, and when a target is affected by more than one one modulation.
Currently the volume controls (also sends), as well as filter frequency have a linear response, while almost every other synth and mixer use logarithmic curves (or pots), because this is better suited to how humans (and other animals) perceive differences in volume and pitch.
As you can see in this diagram, different response curves give you different granularity of control in different parts of a parameter’s range:
Linear response makes it harder to mix the three synths, to tweak effect send levels, and it is also a problem when several mods and/or macros affect the same parameter (mostly for levels, but also for filter frequency). It also makes a difference for how patches respond to velocity and to aftertouch.
Any synthesizer and mixer that uses pots and faders with logarithmic or exponential response , as well as digital devices that implement such a response in software.
It might be easier to list those that don’t: Polyend devices. (feel free to add other examples, I am not aware of any at the moment)