Beat Slice root note default is inconsistent with the available device UI option. Default root note is C2 and does not seem to be configurable. Default UI of note grid starts with C3 and does not seem to be configurable. Using beat slice mode requires laborious manual work every single time. This is a poor experience :-/
Steps to Reproduce
Use an instrument in beat slice mode, try to enter C2 from note grid. Simply not possible.
Thank you, @Dann
It would be great to see this resolved.
It would make a critical improvement to the usability of the device when beat slice mode is required.
Different issue, so I hadn’t watched the video but Note Grid is visible beginning at C2 in the video.
Looks like this would require installing the beta firmware, correct? Or have I missed settings in the current firmware that would change the default UI of Note Grid to begin at C2 rather than C3?