All exported stems are empty (0 bytes)

Bug Description

After exporting a project, all the files have 0 bytes.

I’m not sure what information to provide. This bug seems project-specific. This current project has close to full tracks and uses samples and synths. The whole song is about 4 minutes.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to File → Export → Export Song Stems.
  2. Wait for the progress bar to complete.
  3. Connect Tracker Mini to computer via USB.
  4. Go to the directory where the export stems are.
  5. All files are empty. (And the modified date is in 2021.)

Expected non-empty files that contain data with a modified date of today.


Always for that project.

Other projects exported okay.

Found in

  • Version: 2.0.1 (same behavior on 2.0.0)
  • Build: 1034


Empty files in the x_Song_S0001 directory:


Are you able to zip the project and attach it here? That makes it a lot easier for the Polyend team to debug the issue.

My apologies. I started messing with the Song to try to get it to export and now it exports nicely. (The modified date is still in 2021 though.)

If it happens again, I’ll come back here and attach the project zip.

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Good to hear you got it fixed. It’s still curious that this happenend in the first place though :smile:

As far as i know, the trackers don’t have any internal timekeeping, which is why this happens.

There is a wish for a possible solution though:

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@matthieutc Thanks for reporting this, unfortunately we cannot reproduce it. If it happens again, please attach a project and let us know. Hopefully it was only temporary glitch. I’ll close the issue for now. Thanks for your support.

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p.s. Tracker doesn’t have an internal real-time clock, so file dates are not correct.

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