Export silently fails when SD card is full

Bug Description

I was going through exporting stems for a lot of my projects, and a few of them exported all 0-byte files. One of them even exported mostly fine, but then cut to silence halfway through the second-to-last file and exported 0 bytes for the last file as well as the master mix.

Same bug as All exported stems are empty (0 bytes)

Steps to Reproduce

Export stems for the attached project

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.9.1
  • Build: 1138


I’ve experienced this before, but haven’t been able to properly reproduce it consistently. A workaround for me was to render the stems again. I think I was using firmware 1.6 at the time.

I realized my SD card only had a hundred or so MB free on it. Tracker firmware should definitely tell the user when their card is full.

If I recall correctly, my SD card wasn’t full. But it was also a long time ago, so I could be wrong.