USB HUB for Mac that works with audio & midi?

Hi everyone

Wondered if anyone had any suggestions for a USB hub that works with a Mac and can power the Tracker Plus and also work with both audio & midi?
In the manual it says USB hubs won’t work with audio but will work with midi, so I’m not sure if its even possible?

You’re definitely going to want a powered hub that connects via thunderbolt. They’re not cheap. There might be a USB C solution that works. But if Polyend says they don’t support hubs, then purchase at your own risk :warning:

Hi. I own both the the tracker plus and mini. I’ve not had chance to try this with the tracker+ yet, but I can confirm the the RSHTECH - spelt exactly like that - works with my Tracker Mini 2.0. It is an 8 port USB hub.

I used it today and it both charges the Mini (so should power the +) and also allowed me to select loads of channels for audio. I also got it to send and receive MIDI sync from Reason. My iMac is the 2015 27" running Mac OS Monterey 12.7.5

I also made sure to use the USB C cable which comes with my Tracker Mini.

QUICK EDIT - I’ve just tried the hub with the Tracker Plus and it is powering it fine.

I personally use a i-tec USB 3.0 Hub. All my Polyend Gear (Tracker / Tracker+ / Mini / Play / Play+) runs through it. I’ve used MIDI and Audio successfully. It does not come with a USB-C cable, but you can easily replace it with a USB-C ↔ USB3.0 B cable.

In my case i actually have to run it with a powered hub, else the devices don’t show up at all (seems to be a AMD chipset specific issue). I know this is about Mac devices, but i’ve ran them with the same hub from a M1 Macbook Air as well before.

So in general i think they do work with hubs, but i understand that Polyend does not officially support it. As it adds a ton of complexity, when something doesn’t work the way it should, because an unknown variable/hardware device was introduced in the chain.

TLDR: From my own experience - it works, but if you run into any issues, you are on your own (unless someone here can help you :wink:).

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Thanks for your replies!

I’m now using a Buffalo SUD USB C Hub and its working well so far!