Triggering chords from MIDI

I think I know the answer already but no harm in double-checking: when you set a Synth to Chord mode, is there a way to trigger the Chords using external MIDI?

If your gut told you “no”, then your gut is correct. :blush:

As of right now that is not possible. And there is currently no information if this might change in the future or not.

Yeah, that’s what I thought… seems like a tremendous missed opportunity, because that way we could work around the lack of proper sequencer by using an external one. I’ll open a feature request then.


I was just posting this same question after buying the Synth today and trying to sequence it using the Tracker +. Why on Earth would they create a Synth box almost purely dependent on MIDI with a fantastic chord mode, only for the chord mode to not be usable via MIDI? Huge bummer.

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