Tracker Plus Bug - pattern length stuck in perform mode when playing song

Bug Description

The issue I’m having on Tracker+ is exactly the issue described here for OG tracker: [1.4.0] Pattern length stuck when in perform/song mode · Issue #1236 · polyend/TrackerBetaTesting · GitHub

From that post:

Whichever pattern was playing when the switch to perform was done will now be the pattern length in perform mode. If switched while on the longer pattern, there will be a gap after the shorter pattern. If switched on the shorter pattern, the longer pattern will be truncated. Switching back to song mode will resume normal pattern length behavior, but behavior will again be altered when switching back to to perform mode, once again depending on which pattern was playing when the switch occurred.

The issue there is labelled as fixed, so it looks like a regression happened at some point for tracker plus.

I’ve copied the repro steps below, but also have my own project file if it helps.

Reproduction Steps

  • Create 2 patterns of different length
  • Song mode: create a song alternating these 2 patterns
  • Play the song
  • Switch to perform mode

With my project: go into song mode, hit play and then immediately switch to perform mode so that its still on pattern 5. You’ll see that patterns 1 and 3 will only play for 2 bars despite each being 8 bars in length.


bug is reproducible always

Found in

  • Version: [ 1.0.3 ]
  • Build: [1138] (3.0 MB)

Really appreciate your detailed report and sharing the project. Makes things much easier on our end. Will try to reproduce tomorrow.

Sorry, on closer inspection I realized that my bug actually does not exactly match the one I linked. In my attached project, if you switch to perform mode while pattern 5 is playing, you will find that pattern 1 is cut short, pattern 5 repeats, and then a truncated version of pattern 1 plays again. Playback continues to alternate between pattern 5 and truncated version of whatever pattern is next in the arrangement.

Apologies for the confusion - let me know if you’d rather I delete this make a new bug report for clarity.

No worries at all. I’ve moved this over as a bug. If you wouldn’t mind editing your first post to reflect the reality, I’m happy to go from there :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to edit my OP now… Or at least, I dont see a button for it. Is it because its too old? Just wanna make sure I’m not missing something before making a new post.

You should see a pencil icon to edit the post. It might be hidden in the “…”

Hello again @navin.intense. This issue you are having appears very similar to the bug linked below, besides it being for the OG Tracker. What do you think?

It does sound very similar. I have cleaned up my project and provided it there. I still can’t edit my OP in this thread, even when I click the pencil icon…

In any case, you may prefer to delete this thread anyway and just work off the one you linked.


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Thanks so much for adding your project in the other thread. Much appreciated.