Tracker is repeating/skipping patterns in song mode

Bug Description

I’ve noticed a new bug occurring with 1.9.1 firmware update that seems to happen only when the pattern division is a high number (e.g., it’s happening for me when it’s set to 8 or 16) and the tempo is particularly fast (e.g., current project I’m working on is 600 BPM).

It will play the song and seemingly randomly will repeat the pattern before it but will say it’s on the next pattern. After that, it will go to the pattern after that.
Pattern played: 10 / Pattern displayed 10
Pattern played: 9 / Pattern displayed 11
Pattern played: 12 / Pattern displayed 12

Steps to Reproduce

I haven’t noticed any steps to reproduce the bug. It seems to happen when step division is >4 and/or tempo is particularly high. But it seems to always happen when these conditions are met at random times.

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.9.1
  • Build: 1138


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Hey there @mbwood33. Welcome to backstage. Great to have you join us here :slight_smile:

Would you happen to have an example project that is being impacted by this? Would really help.

@Dann i think it relates to this already logged bug :

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Thanks @Patrick, that indeed does sound the same. Didn’t know that 1.9 introduced a random pattern shuffler :upside_down_face:

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Thanks for taking the time to log this @mbwood33. As @Patrick mentioned, this is a duplicate and has been acknowledged by the PE team.

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