Tracker + Corrupted Workspace project and Stuck on loading when you reboot.

Bug Description

the tracker seems to randomly corrupt the workspace project. It can happens randomly on several projects. When it happens the tracker is not freezing : I can still navigate trough the user interface. But when I press play I can hear that some of the samples are replaced with others ones / I can’t save or export anything (song / pattern / .it …) / the tracker cannot be powered off with the power button (I have to unplug it). As soon as I try to power it on it’s stuck on loading.

I can bypass the issue by removing the workspace folder on the sd card but I loose everything that wasn’t saved previously.

I think that this thread (Tracker+ stuck on loading last project (booting)) was already talking about that but it has been closed and the problem wasn’t resolved.

I’m on the 1.0.3 but I had the exact same issue on the 1.0.2

Steps to Reproduce

It seems to happened randomly pretty often. So I don’t know how to reproduce the bug.
When it happens just power it on and the loading screen freezes.

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Build: 1138


I finally was able to get two videos to illustrate my issue (if that can help) :

And since the we transfer expired here’s the new link to the corrupted workspace :

I’ve some updates.
I don’t know if I’m the only one dealing with this bug but This issue arrives more and more often (now its like almost every hours).
And that makes my tracker plus almost unusable.
(I now use it on all my main composition tool so it is very inconvenient)

I have noticed that when the bug occurs, all the project samples goes wild :
Sometimes when I achieve to open a new project I don’t have all the samples (like I only have 10 sample over 25) or it can load sample from the last project, and sometimes I don’t have any of them …

The name of the patterns can be displayed sometimes, and sometimes not.

I used to think that the bug was damaging my projects (if I wasnt trying to save them as the bug occurred) but now, I some doubts.

@miropoly you closed the first thread on that issue. So here are maybe a bit more information about the bug. And on the last thread @Sandroid told to upload corrupted workspace to see what was happening, what I’ve done here.
I don’t know if the polyend team is aware of that bug, and if I’m the only one to face it, but I can face small issue and wait to the next update, but I can’t work with this one.

I hope this could help and If you have any questions dont hesitate to reach me !

Ps : I just had the bug once again and I realized that sometimes I don’t have any workspace folder when I put the SD card on my computer to remove the damaged workspace folder. So I’ve to find an old one to that works to make the tracker+ work again.