Tied notes on the Play+?

Is it possible to create a tied note effect by placing two notes using the same sample with the second note (different pitch) playing from where in the sample the first note was? I recall seeing something like this described but I can’t find it again (perhaps it was for a different device!) The only work around I can think of is to use two samples and place the notes to overlap as in legato playing - possibly the best way but rather laborious.

Unfortunately you can’t do this on the Play+ along with setting a note length on the audio/sample tracks, unlike the synth/midi tracks, samples are triggered per step, you can only add a long sample and use the decay setting to control the length of this, it’s one of the drawbacks of the sample tracks on the Play devices I’m afraid.

There is a wish for a sample based synth engine which should allow you to use samples in this way.

Hopefully we see this in the near future, in the mean time you can vote for it.

Thanks very much for that troxx - I knew that was likely the case. Finding different ways of doing things is something I’m used to doing so I’ll find a way to work round it.

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