The Tracker does not have the ability to delete content/samples. I know this has been submitted as a “wish”, which in my opinion is a bad April joke or sequel to a Mr. Bean episode. The ability to delete content is essential. Imagine if you had to take out the hard disk from your computer and insert it in another computer to be able to remove files or that Apple or Microsoft sold computers, which didn’t feature a bin to remove files…. therefore, I like to re-define this as a bug-per-design or basic missing function and not a wish.
Steps to Reproduce
go to file manager
no option to delete content
Occurrence / Frequency
Found in Firmware
Version: [example 1.8.0]
Build: [example 345]
Drag & drop files (under 5MB) or paste links here.
Photos, short videos, project folder (.zip only).
I think there’s some historical context to this, as to why it was not in there in the first place.
Initially the Tracker allowed for USB Storage Mode. This had to be removed later down the road because the underlying library that allowed this didn’t work properly anymore - a pitfall of evolving open source libraries.
Hence deleting directly on the device was never initially considered and has become a feature request.
Considering how old this wish is and how little votes it has gotten, it has not been an urgent need by the overall community. But i agree - it would be nice to see this at some point.
For now i will have to decline and close this bug report, as it is by-design.
Hope that’s ok and let’s see if we can get more people to vote on this wish:
But the voting system on this Forum is malfunction as it is Limited to 10 votes and many of them has already been there for years, plus earlier this week the Development team communicated, that we wont see features for long time but only bug fix
I must say, that it makes my hope a bit pessimistic, when the forums is currently getting bloated with Synth content.
Asking the dev team to finish some of the approved wishes, so you could get your vote back would be the most satisfying solution?
A approved wish, means “doable”, but a doable wish that reach 1+ year is a pseudo hope.
Since above was approved as wish, it means that this bug, wish, missing basic function is doable, if I understand the communication design of the vote system correctly.
Obviously we all would like to see more wishes fullfilled. That’s just human nature.
This doesn’t mean that the current system is flawed though. Limiting votes is a good idea, because it drives focus towards the wishes that the majority of users want to see.
The features that i’d like to see don’t seem to attract much votes either. That’s just how democracy works . The only thing i could see “improving” this, is maybe increasing the amount of votes you are allowed to give… by let’s say 5… so you’d have 15 votes?
But then again you are just diluting the strength of the existing votes.
The current limitiation forces you to decide what is most important to you (also you can always reassign your votes if that changes). It’s transparent and democratic.
Correct - an approved wish means the team considers it technically viable / feasible.
With that said - Polyend is currently debating how to handle future updates and how to handle wishes going forward. More on this in the very near future.
I can understand the wishlist will bring attention to certain things and aid with prioritization. But I think dev and product teams can look at particular requests that should be a base feature and try to implement it asap.
Deleting samples and recordings is such a basic feature for a sampler. It’s pretty crazy it’s not there already.
If I have to rely on a PC to do these simple tasks, I might as well forget the tracker, get a tiny laptop and use Renoise.
This seems to be both an issue on both Tracker and Play. But Mitch stated on Monday, that focus won’t be “features” but “stability”, reference here:
I paid a premium price of 750 € for Tracker Plus and I honestly also think, that it deserves more premium updates or lift-ups. I don’t want to hurt Polyend, because they are pushing interesting products, but I don’t agree with their development prioritization as healthy nor sustainable. I guess they will hurt themselves, if they don’t focus more [more than just stability] on the legacy products over pushing new products.