Text Editing Shortcut - Double Tap Shift to Enable Caps Lock

What is the problem?

It is not possible to quickly enable and disable Caps Lock.

What should this feature achieve?

I would like to see a new feature that allows users to toggle Caps Lock on and off during text editing quickly. The idea is to DOUBLE-PRESS the SHIFT button to toggle between ON or OFF Caps Lock.

Are there any workarounds?

No, the only current solution is to press the Caps Lock button on the keyboard manually.

Any links to related discussions?

None available.

Any references to other products?

None available.

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Hey @liimiited (it’s me again :laughing: ), i think this is already covered by this wish as well.
Feel free to post your suggestion on a better capslock handling in it of course!

Let me know if that’s ok then i’ll close this wish if so.

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Not the same shortcut :slight_smile:

I know, that’s why i said you should add that suggestion to the existing wish :wink:

yes, of course. I will do that next time. :raised_hands:

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Updated the description on the other wish to include the double tap shift feature. Will close this one down :heart:

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